Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics

Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics By Growth Rate, Benefits, Steps Taken to Align and Challenges


Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics: Standing out in the competitive market, multiple companies are offering the same product to the customers. Bringing together the marketing and sales teams may give a competitive advantage. Both of these departments, being the base of the business, can bring success to reach their new peaks. However, it can be challenging to align these departments because of differences in mentality, policies, and strategies.

According to Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics, once aligned, a business is 67% likely to close a deal with the customers. But how do you align marketing and sales departments? We have added some tips as bonus content to help you with the question.

Editor’s Choice

  • 60% of professionals believe that non-alignment of marketing and sales departments may lead to financial losses.
  • According to Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics, marketing teams are unaware of the tricks that best align with the sales team.
  • One out of four companies believes that their sales and marketing teams are “either rarely” aligned or “misaligned.”
  • According to 87% of industry leaders, aligning marketing and sales departments provides significant business growth.
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics show that perfectly aligned teams are three times more likely to achieve a successful go-to-market strategy.
  • Mere 9.1% of sales professionals say that leads received from marketing teams were of extremely high quality.
  • According to a report by Revenue Marketing Alliance 2023, companies’ leading actions to align their mentioned departments are integrating data-sharing tools (77.8%), holding regular joint meetings, and incorporating sales input into marketing materials (72.2%).
  • One of the biggest challenges in the sales process is the low number of high-quality leads.
  • B2B companies with settled departments are 24% more likely to increase their revenue.
  • As of today, nearly 25% of sales professionals say their marketing and sales teams are perfectly aligned in the companies.

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General Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics

  • According to Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics, marketing teams are unaware of the tricks that best align with the sales team.
  • As of today, nearly 25% of sales professionals say their marketing and sales teams are perfectly aligned in the companies.
  • Only 28% of salespeople agree that marketing teams are their best source of leads.
  • 90% of marketing and sales departments need to comply more with each other in terms of content, process, culture, and strategy.
  • 60% of professionals believe that non-alignment of marketing and sales departments may lead to financial losses.
  • One of the biggest challenges in the sales process is the low number of high-quality leads.
  • Furthermore, Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics show that 38.3% of sales leaders believe that aligning strategy and goals is the top priority of their marketing department.
  • Mere 9.1% of sales professionals say that leads received from marketing teams were of extremely high quality.
  • According to 87% of industry leaders, aligning marketing and sales departments provides significant business growth.
  • Around 80% of sales and marketing leaders have positively voted for each other’s departments.
  • 65% of sales professionals do not find matching content to send to the prospects.
  • One out of four companies believes that their sales and marketing teams are “either rarely” aligned or “misaligned.”
  • Due to misalignment between marketing and sales teams, 10% or more revenue may be lost every year.

Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics by Growth Rate

  • Companies with well-aligned marketing and sales departments are 36% more likely to have higher customer retention rates.
  • Similarly, with well-aligned teams, deals are 67% likely to close.
  • B2B companies with settled departments are 24% more likely to increase their revenue.
  • 95% of the prospective customers are likely to buy from the business, where they are supported throughout the buying process.
  • A report by Wheelhouse Advisors states that, when aligned, the companies can generate 208% revenue.
  • Furthermore, companies with aligned departments experienced 38% higher sales win rates.
  • Companies with aligned teams can improve customer satisfaction by 46%.
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics show that perfectly aligned teams are three times more likely to achieve a successful go-to-market strategy.

Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics by Benefits



  • According to the Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics, the leading benefit of this is an increase in revenue (32%). Aligning the teams can also improve customer experience (28%) and lead quality (26%). Other benefits include closing deals (22%), generating a clear understanding of the customers (21%), increasing win rates, and executing a common strategy (20%).

Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics by Steps Taken to Align



  • According to a report by Revenue Marketing Alliance 2023,  leading actions taken by companies to align their mentioned department are the integration of tools that share data (77.8%), regular joint meetings, and input from sales into marketing materials (72.2%). Other companies chose to share goals, KPIs, and customer profiles.

What do Salespeople Expect From The Marketing Team?



  • Marketing teams are expected to generate higher-quality leads (42%). Furthermore, the sales team needs alignment on strategy and goals (38%) and better sales enablement content (33%) from their marketing team. Increasing transparency input on shared marketing content and enhanced sales enablement content are some of the requirements that marketing teams must fulfill for their sales team alignment.

Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics by Challenges for Alignment



  • According to Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics, the leading challenge observed by these departments is the need to optimize systems for alignment, contributing 40%. The leading reasons are a misunderstanding of what teams do (30%) and teams having separate goals (25%). Other causes include poor communication, lack of access to customer data, data not being shared across teams, and no support for alignment from managers.

Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics by Communication Rating



  • The majority of the companies that believed their communication between aligned teams was fair contributed 33.3%. Whereas 22.2% said it was “very good” and “good.” Only 2.8% of companies experienced very poor communication between marketing and sales teams.

How to Bring Sales and Marketing Teams Together: A Simple Guide

In many companies, the sales and marketing departments sometimes need to work better together. They have different goals and often need to communicate more. But when they do work together, it can lead to more success.

Here are some steps to help sales and marketing teams work better together:

  • Set Goals Together: Sales and marketing teams often have different objectives. Sales focus on closing deals and generating revenue, while marketing is concerned with lead generation and brand awareness. By establishing shared goals, such as increasing overall revenue or improving customer acquisition, both teams align their efforts toward a common purpose. This fosters collaboration and ensures that everyone is working towards the same outcome.
  • Share Successes: Celebrating successes together reinforces a sense of unity and collective achievement within the organization. When sales close a significant deal or marketing launches a successful campaign, sharing these victories with the entire team boosts morale and motivates individuals to continue working towards shared goals. Additionally, highlighting the contributions of both sales and marketing teams emphasizes the importance of collaboration and recognizes the value each department brings to the table.
  • Learn Together: Cross-training between sales and marketing enables team members to gain insights into each other’s roles and responsibilities. Salespeople can benefit from understanding marketing strategies and customer personas, while marketers can gain valuable insights into customer objections and sales techniques. This shared knowledge facilitates better communication, enhances teamwork, and ultimately leads to more effective collaboration between the two departments.
  • Plan Content Together: Content creation is a crucial aspect of marketing, but involving sales in the process ensures that content is tailored to address the specific needs and pain points of potential customers. By brainstorming content ideas together, sales and marketing teams can identify topics that resonate with the target audience and align with the buyer’s journey. This collaborative approach results in content that is more engaging and relevant and ultimately drives better outcomes for the business.
  • Understand the Customer Journey: Mapping out the customer journey involves identifying the various touchpoints and interactions a customer has with the company before making a purchase. Both sales and marketing teams should have a comprehensive understanding of this journey to identify opportunities for improvement and optimization. By working together to analyze and improve the customer experience at each stage of the journey, teams can ensure a seamless and cohesive experience for prospects and customers alike.
  • Teach Each Other: Sales and marketing teams possess unique skills and expertise that can benefit from sharing. Sales can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, objections, and feedback, which can inform marketing strategies and messaging. Conversely, marketing can offer sales training on using tools like the CRM effectively, leveraging data insights, and implementing sales enablement materials. This knowledge exchange enhances collaboration, builds trust, and empowers both teams to perform at their best.
  • Spend Time Learning: Investing time in learning about each other’s work fosters mutual understanding and empathy between sales and marketing teams. Marketing team members can benefit from shadowing sales calls or attending sales meetings to gain firsthand insights into customer interactions and challenges. Similarly, sales representatives can stay updated on marketing initiatives by participating in content brainstorming sessions or reviewing marketing materials. This shared learning experience strengthens bonds between teams and promotes a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
  • Leadership Matters: Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping organizational culture and priorities. Leaders must communicate the importance of collaboration between sales and marketing teams and provide the necessary resources and support to facilitate it. This may involve establishing clear communication channels, encouraging cross-functional teamwork, and recognizing and rewarding collaborative efforts. By championing a culture of collaboration and alignment, leaders set the tone for the entire organization and pave the way for success.

Overall, by embracing these principles and fostering a culture of collaboration, sales and marketing teams can work together more effectively to achieve common goals and drive business growth.


Marketing and Sales teams are the pillars of the business. Without these two departments, no business can be launched in the market, and products or services cannot be sold. However, in the majority of companies, even today, marketing and sales are not friendly to each other. They always point to each other for any responsibilities or mistakes.

However, as stated in these Sales and Marketing Alignment Statistics, the collaboration of these two departments can lead companies to improved revenue, customer satisfaction, growth rate, and much more. Incorporating tips for bonding the marketing and sales team mentioned above may help the company to achieve a successful business.