Dependence on Technology Statistics

Dependence on Technology Statistics By Demographics and Share of Going Online


Dependence on Technology Statistics: Since the last decade, human behavior has changed drastically. Since the launch of smartphones and various apps, the global average time spent on screen has increased to 6 hours 37 minutes per day. Too much screen time leads to dependency on such devices which reduces our thinking abilities.

Nowadays, parents are working remotely, thus just to keep their children busy with something they hand over mobile phones, and go back to perform office duties. But did you know you are harming the mental health of your child even if the child uses it for 1 hour a day? Let’s understand the dependence on Technology Statistics to improve our lifestyles.

Editor’s Choice

  • Individuals who think less analytically and more intuitively when providing reasoning for problems are more likely to depend on their smartphones in their everyday routines.
  • As per a study report by Penn State, 77% of people in society as a whole, depend excessively on technology to succeed in their life.
  • Every day, 36% of parents argue with their children about the use of electronic devices.
  • 9 out of 10 Americans are more likely to get offended when talking to someone, that person is engaged with his/her phone. 1 out of 5 Americans has a habit of behaving like this regularly.
  • Teens spend on average 7 hours 22 minutes on their phones as compared to children between 8 to 12 years spending 4 hours and 44 minutes every day.
  • Americans have a habit of checking their mobile phones once every 10 minutes which comes to 96 times a day.
  • Compared to 30% of low-income households, 39% of individuals in high-income households find it hard to take a break from technology.
  • A report by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, shows people with technology addiction are likely to develop equal neural patterning and brain chemistry to those addicted to substances.
  • A person who is always checking the posts of his friends or family having their time of life, then the person is likely to experience depression as reported by a study by the University of Missouri.
  • According to the University of the People, whatever we binge-watch on the internet including movies, TV shows, podcasts, etc is a type of passive entertainment. On the other hand, active entertainment requires physical activity and mental energy.

General Dependent On Technology Statistics

  • As per a study report by Penn State, 77% of people in society as a whole, depend excessively on technology to succeed in their life.
  • Furthermore, according to a report by Trendhunter, 60% of the worldwide population is experiencing symptoms of Nomophobia (NO MObile PHone PhoBIA). Nomophobia increases anxiety when mobile phones are not around.
  • According to the University of the People, whatever we binge-watch on the internet including movies, TV shows, podcasts, etc is a type of passive entertainment. On the other hand, active entertainment requires physical activity and mental energy.
  • Moreover, a person who is always checking the posts of his friends or family having their time of life, then the person is likely to experience depression as reported by a study by the University of Missouri.
  • Individuals who think less analytically and more intuitively when providing reasoning for problems are more likely to depend on their smartphones in their everyday routines.
  • Dependent On Technology Statistics states a report by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, which shows people with technology addiction are likely to develop equal neural patterning and brain chemistry to those addicted to substances.
  • Americans have a habit of checking their mobile phones once every 10 minutes which comes to 96 times a day.
  • 9 out of 10 Americans are more likely to get offended when talking to someone, that person is engaged with his/her phone. 1 out of 5 Americans has a habit of behaving like this regularly.
  • Dependent On Technology Statistics show that on average a person is likely to spend more time on their electronic devices than sleeping, 8 hours and 41 minutes daily.
  • 80% of smartphone users regularly check their mobile phones 1 hour before going to bed and 1 hour after waking up.
  • On average, a user is likely to unlock their phones 150 times a day.
  • Americans open social media apps 17 times a day.
  • Every day, 36% of parents argue with their children about the use of electronic devices.
  • As of today, 6.09% of the global population is suffering from internet addiction.
  • 46% of Americans said they can not live without their smartphones.
  • The largest number of Americans spend 34% of their screen time watching TV.
  • Furthermore, daily time spent on television by Americans is projected to amount to 147.6 minutes in 2024.
  • More than half of the parents said their children own a smartphone and are under 12 years of age.
  • 6 out of 10 parents said their child started using a mobile phone before he/she turned 5.

Dependent On Technology Statistics by Demographics

  • Compared to 30% of low-income households, 39% of individuals in high-income households find it hard to take a break from technology.
  • 46% of teens are almost constantly online every day.
  • Furthermore, teens spend on average 7 hours 22 minutes on their phones as compared to children between 8 to 12 years spending 4 hours and 44 minutes every day.
  • Compared to 48% of teenage girls, 43% of teenage boys are constantly online.
  • 25% of teenagers on average wake up at night to check their phones.

By Screen Time

Daily Screen Time Across Different Age Groups In Hours
8–10 6
11–14 9
15–18 7.5

(Source: passport-photo. online)

The highest percentage of hours spent on screen every day is more in younger generations aged 11 to 14 years resulting in 9 hours a day. On the other hand, children aged between 8 to 10 years spend less time on screen contributing 6 hours while it is 7.5 hours for teenagers.

By Percentage of Apps Without Which Living is Impossible For Teens

Sites and Social Media Apps Teens (13–18) Can’t Imagine Living Without Share
YouTube 32%
Snapchat 20%
TikTok 13%
Instagram 13%
Discord 6%
Facebook 6%
Twitter 3%
Pinterest 2%
Reddit 2%
Tumblr 1%

(Source: passport-photo. online)

The majority of the teens aged between 13 to 18 years stated, that YouTube (32%), Snapchat (20%), and TikTok (13%) are the most used social media apps without which they can’t live. Other apps include Instagram, Discord, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and Tumblr.

 By Global Internet Usage Penetration Rate by Gender



As of January 2024, the number of male users on the internet was more than female users contributing 68.8% and 63.5% respectively.

Devices Market by Region


  • In 2024, the worldwide device market is valued at $0.71 trillion.
  • Between 2024 and 2028, it is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 3.35% reaching $0.81 trillion by 2028.
  • In the current year, telephony is projected to be the dominating segment with a market volume of $0.49 trillion.
  • In terms of global comparison, the majority of the revenue is estimated to be generated from China’s $150 billion in 2024.


  • As of 2024, the Asian device market is estimated to reach $335.00 billion.
  • Between 2024 and 2028, the market is projected to grow at a CAG of 3.95% reaching $391.10 billion.
  • Similarly, telephony is projected to dominate the market with a volume of $242.20 billion in 2024.


  • The African device market in 2024 is estimated to reach $64.33 billion.
  • Furthermore, it is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.71% between 2024 and 2028 reaching $83.40 billion.
  • Like the global market, telephony is estimated to dominate with a market volume of $44.56 billion in 2024.

Australia and Oceania

  • As always, telephony is estimated to be dominating the market with a volume of $4.51 billion in the current year.
  • In 2024, Australia and Oceania device market are estimated to reach $7.44 billion.
  • Furthermore, between 2024 and 2028, it will grow at a CAGR of 2.02% reaching $8.06 billion by the estimated year.


  • In 2024, the American device market is valued at $169.60 billion, which is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 1.151% between 2024 and 2028 reaching $180.10 billion.
  • The dominating market of telephony is estimated to reach a market volume of $113.20 billion in 2024.


  • As of today, the European device market is estimated to reach $129.60 billion.
  • Furthermore, by the projected year, the market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 2.78% reaching $144.60 billion by 2028.
  • The telephony market is projected to be the dominating segment in 2024 with a market volume of $82.24 billion.

By Countries With The Most Internet Users Worldwide



As of January, China was the leading country with the largest digital population contributing 1,050 million. India and the United States followed the list with 692 million and 311.3 million internet users. Other countries ranked respectively as Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, Nigeria, Japan, Mexico, and the Philippines as the top 10 countries with the most internet users in 2023.

What Do People Do On The Internet?

Characteristic Amount per minute
USD traded in treasury bonds 398,000,000
Emails sent 241,000,000
WhatsApp messages sent 41,600,000
Global hours spent online 25,100,000
Searches on Google 6,300,000
Facebook posts liked 4,000,000
USD sent on Venmo 1,000,000
Reels sent via DM on Instagram 694,000
USD spent on Amazon 455,000
X (Twitter) posts sent 360,000
USD spent on DoorDash 122,000
Taylor Swift song streamed 69,400
Hours of content watched on Twitch 48,000


What happens every minute in the world can be answered here. Here we are talking about the digital world, where media usage per minute is spent as follows: the USA traded in treasury bonds- 398,000,000 minutes, Emails sent- 241,000,000, WhatsApp messages sent – 41,600,000, global hours spent online – 25,100,000 and searches on Google – 6,300,000 per minute.

By Popular Reasons to Use The Internet



In 2023, The majority of the people who spent time online said, that finding information is the leading reason to use the internet contributing 60.9%. Staying in touch with friends and family, Watching various content, watching the news, and learning how to do things are the top 5 leading reasons for the same as stated by worldwide users.

Dependent On Technology Statistics by Share of Going Online

How Often Do You Go Online? Share
Almost constantly 31%
Several times a day 48%
About once a day 6%
Several times a week 4%
Less often 4%
Never 7%


Dependent On Technology Statistics by Average Share of Screen Time by Activities



As of 2023, in the USA, the majority of the screen time was spent on watching television. Playing video games and movies was another leading choice of spending time by Americans contributing 16% and 14% respectively. Watching online videos, spending time on social media, reading eBooks, and other activities on the internet were also included in the list.

What Are The Signs That A Person Has Become Dependent On Technology?

Dependent On Technology Statistics show the following signs of a person who is addicted to technology

  • Forgetting and losing track of time spent while on electronic devices.
  • Constantly binge-watching movies, TV shows, and series, one by one even after finishing the entire series
  • Feeling aggressive if someone hides phones or snatches from hand to gain attention.
  • In more serious events, aggressiveness can turn a person’s thoughts to killing the person who has hidden or snatched the phone.
  • The feeling of guilt if the device is kept aside
  • Constantly stalking unknown profiles on the internet
  • No signs of living a happy life
  • Reduce appetite
  • Watching multiple screens at a single time
  • A strong desire to use mobile phones every minute
  • The feeling of uneasiness when the phone is left at home
  • Living in isolation

How to prevent technology addiction?

  • Set limit every time for technology use
  • Socialize with friends and family
  • Spend quality time with family
  • Prioritize daily activities and make sure you complete them within time
  • Pay attention to children and set limits before they get addicted to devices, rather than don’t make them use mobile devices at an early age just to make them calm.
  • Increase reading habit
  • In case there are any early signs of technology addiction, immediately consult a doctor

What are the health issues of technology dependency?

  • Increased vision problems
  • Dependency on technology for simple daily tasks
  • Reduced decision-making capacity
  • Disturbed sleep cycles.
  • Musculoskeletal issues
  • Increased aggressiveness
  • Recurring suicidal thoughts
  • Depression


Although we are celebrating “living in the future”, there are many side effects that are unknown to the world. The usage rate of electronic devices starting from early ages is making children change their mindset. Dependent On Technology Statistics have proved how the world is running behind the “Internet of Things”. From going to bed to waking up, we check our phones and spend hours scrolling through reels and shorts.

If we consider the 4 hours spent on YouTube and Instagram, there is no beneficial work we have done, rather it is better to spend those 4 hours doing various activities such as reading, writing, exercising, socializing, etc. The future is way more dangerous if we don’t stop ourselves from being addicted to technology.