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Coal Power Statistics And Facts 2024


Coal Power Statistics: Lighting up our world through electricity is made through coal power. According to the US Geological Survey, coal is a complex natural resource. Many countries are fortunate with the abundance of coal in their reserves. The coal Industry is one of the largest industries all over the world, providing jobs, energy security, affordability to cheap natural resources, and a base for technological advancements. However, coal energy has health and environmental concerns, such as the emission of greenhouse gases into the air.

Furthermore, coal is a part of the natural resources, and after many, many years, it will dry up. Therefore, it is important to understand the basic Coal Power Statistics to plan the strategies accordingly.

Editor’s Choice

  • Based on Coal Power Statistics 2023, the following is the proposed coal power plant capacity worldwide by status: announced (92.9), Pre-permit (130.6), Permitted (129.9), and In construction (204.2) in gigawatts.
  • According to a report, Coal 2023, by the International Energy Agency, by 2026, the worldwide demand for coal is expected to decline because the electricity generation will be based on solar power. 
  • As of July 2023, China reported to have the highest number of coal-fired power stations compared to any other country in the world. 
  • The worldwide electricity generation in the Coal market is estimated to reach 10.94tn kWh in 2024.
  • The American Coal Market in electricity generation is expected to amount to 1.06 trillion kWh in 2024.
  • As of September 2023, Texas is recorded to have the highest coal power generation capacity compared to any other state of the US, contributing 16,651.6 megawatts.
  • Coal Power Statistics 2023 showed that China had the highest installed coal power plant capacity, 1,108.91 gigawatts
  • In 2026, China and India will contribute 70% of the global coal consumption collectively.
  • The global consumption of coal is projected to be 2.3% lower in 2026 than in 2023. 
  • In the USA, the consumption of electric power coal is expected to decrease by 28.66 million short tons of coal.

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General Coal Power Statistics

  • Based on Coal Power Statistics 2023, the following is the proposed coal power plant capacity worldwide by status: announced (92.9), Pre-permit (130.6), Permitted (129.9), and In construction (204.2) in gigawatts.
  • Coal Power Statistics estimates that the US coal power generation capacity will reach 243 billion kilowatt hours by 2050. However, compared to forecasts of 2025, the capacity is going to decline, as by next year, it is expected to reach 755 billion kilowatt hours. 
  • In the USA, the consumption of electric power coal is expected to decrease by 28.66 million short tons of coal. 
  • According to a report, Coal 2023, by the International Energy Agency, by 2026, the worldwide demand for coal is expected to decline because the electricity generation will be based on solar power. 
  • In addition, the global consumption of coal is projected to be 2.3% lower in 2026 than in 2023. 
  • Furthermore, the same report predicts that, in 2026, China and India will collectively contribute 70% of the global coal consumption.
  • As of 2023, there were around 2,435 operational coal power plants in the world.
  • Coal Power Statistics 2024 states that, in the current year, the worldwide production in the coal market is estimated to be 8.6 trillion kg and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.35% by 2028.

Coal Market By Region (Electricity Generation)


  • The worldwide electricity generation in the Coal market is estimated to reach 10.94tn kWh in 2024.
  • Furthermore, between 2024 and 2028, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.98%.
  • As per Coal Power Statistics 2024, compared to 2023, the energy production change is said to be 6.5%.


  • The African coal market in the electricity generation segment is expected to grow at an annual rate of 3.90% between 2024 and 2028.
  • In 2024, the energy production change is expected to be 4.5%.
  • Moreover, the Coal market in the region is projected to amount to 246.10 billion kWh in 2024.

Australia And Oceania

  • The electricity generation from the Australia and Oceania coal market is projected to amount to 131.40 billion kWh in the current year.
  • Furthermore, by 2028, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.11%.
  • As of 2024, the change in energy production in Australia and Oceania is 2.2%


  • The American Coal Market in electricity generation is expected to amount to 1.06 trillion kWh in 2024.
  • By 2028, the annual growth rate of the market is estimated to be 3.15%
  • In 2024, the energy production change is expected to be 2.6%.


  • In 2024, the Asian coal market in a similar segment is estimated to amount to 8.54 trillion kWh. 
  • Compared to 2023, in 2024, the energy production change is expected to be 7.1%.
  • Between 2024 and 2028, the annual growth rate is expected to be 6.44%.


  • In 2024, the energy production change is estimated to be 7.2% for the European market.
  • In the current year, the electricity generation is expected to be 0.86 KWh.
  • Furthermore, the market will grow at an annual growth rate of 5.86%.

Number Of Operational Coal-Fired Power Plants In The USA By State

In 2023, Coal Power Statistics showed that Pennsylvania, Texas, and Indiana were the top US states with the highest number of coal-fired power plants. Other states included the following number of plants.

State Number of Coal Fired Power Stations
Pennsylvania 16
Texas 13
Indiana 13
Wyoming 10
Kentucky 10
West Virginia 9
Iowa 9
Missouri 9
Nebraska 8
Illinois 8
Florida 7
Oklahoma 6
Colorado 6
North Carolina 6
Wisconsin 6
North Dakota 6
Kansas 5
Utah 5
South Carolina 5
Arkansas 5
Ohio 4
Michigan 4
Minnesota 4
Arizona 4
Tennessee 4
Louisiana 3
Montana 3
Maryland 3
Alabama 3
New Hampshire 2
Mississippi 2
Nevada 2
Georgia 2
Virginia 2
New Mexico 1
South Dakota 1
Delaware 1
Puerto Rico 1
Washington 1
Alaska 1


Coal Power Capacity In The USA By State

Net Summer Capacity Of Utility-Scale Coal-Fired Power Plants In The United States As Of 2023, By State(Reference:

As of September 2023, Texas has the highest coal power generation capacity of any state in the US, contributing 16,651.6 megawatts. Indiana and West Virginia were other top states with more than 10,000 megawatts of capacity in a similar category each. 

Top Coal Exporting Countries By Value In 2023

  • Indonesia – $104.30 billion
  • Australia – $83.30 billion (33.7%)
  • Russia – $43.45 billion (17.6%)
  • USA – $17.26 billion (7%)
  • South Africa – $13.03 billion (5.3%)
  • Canada – $10.79 billion (4.4%)
  • Colombia – $10.50 billion (4.2%)
  • Mongolia – $6.51 billion (2.6%)
  • Netherlands – $2.18 billion (0.9%)
  • Mozambique -$2.03 billion – (0.8%)

Worldwide Biggest Coal Producers In 2023 (in metric tons)

  • China – 3,708,155,408,00
  • India – 761,662,038,400
  • United States – 728,364,498,000
  • Australia – 554,763,962,000
  • Indonesia – 502,653,360,000
  • Russia – 423,095,348,300
  • South Africa – 277,951,564,100 
  • Germany – 193,593,193,800
  • Poland – 143,996,028,700
  • Kazakhstan – 113,619,500,900

Top 10 Coal Suppliers In The World In 2023

Company Country Annual Turnover (in billions)
China Shenhua Energy Co China $90.61 
Glencore Switzerland $69.66
Coal India India $28.6
Yankuang Energy  China $19.57
Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company Australia $7.91
United Tractors Indonesia $4.98
Alpha Metallurgical resources USA $4.88
Yancoal Australia $4.68
Warrior Met Coal Inc. USA $3.3

(Source: tradeimex)

Installed Worldwide Coal Power Plant Capacity In Selected Countries

Countries With The Largest Installed Capacity Of Coal Power Plants Worldwide As Of July 2023(Reference:

Coal Power Statistics 2023 showed that China had the highest installed coal power plant capacity, 1,108.91 gigawatts. India and the United States followed China with 235.85 and 205.38 gigawatts of capacity, respectively. Other countries with comparatively large capacities are Japan, South Africa, Indonesia, Russia, South Korea, Germany, and Poland. 

Countries With The Highest Number Of Operational Coal Power Plants In 2023

Country Number of Power Plants
China (Mainland) 1,142
India 282
United States 210
Japan 93
Indonesia 91
Russia 68
Germany 58
Poland 42
Turkey 34
Ukraine 34
Philippines 26
Vietnam 25
Czechia 25
South Korea 24
Kazakhstan 22
Taiwan  20
Australia 18
South Africa 18


As of July 2023, China reported to have the highest number of coal-fired power stations compared to any other country in the world. China had 1,142 functional operational plants on the Chinese mainland. Coal Power Statistics show that China contributes more than 50% of total worldwide coal electricity production.

Top Countries With Proven Coal Reserves In 2024

  • United States – 228,662,000,000 Cu.M (29%)
  • Russia – 162,166,000,000 Cu.M (20.6%)
  • Australia – 149,079,000,000 Cu.M (18.9%)
  • China – 141,595,000,000 Cu.M (18%)
  • India – 105,931,000,000 Cu.M (13.5%)

From Coal Castles To Solar Skies

(An In-Depth Look At The Decline Of Coal And The Rise Of Solar Power, With A Glimpse Into AI’s Role)

The colossal chimneys of coal-fired power plants, once symbols of industrial might, are now becoming relics of a bygone era. Concerns about climate change, coupled with economic and environmental pressures, are pushing coal out of favour. In its place, solar power is emerging as a shining star, promising a cleaner and more sustainable future for energy generation. But this transition won’t happen overnight. Let’s delve deeper into the factors driving coal’s decline, explore how solar power is poised to take the lead and see how artificial intelligence (AI) can act as a powerful ally in this energy revolution.

The Fall Of The Coal King

For decades, coal reigned supreme in the energy sector. Its abundance and affordability made it the go-to choice for generating electricity. However, the tide has begun to turn. Here are some key reasons why:

  • The Climate Change Conundrum: The burning of coal releases a significant amount of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming. As the world grapples with the devastating effects of climate change, the pressure to move away from coal is mounting. International agreements like the Paris Agreement aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and coal simply needs to fit into this eco-conscious equation.
  • Economics Enter the Game: The cost equation for coal is changing. While coal itself might be cheap to extract, the environmental consequences are becoming increasingly expensive to manage. Pollution control measures and carbon capture technologies add significantly to the operational costs of coal plants. Additionally, renewable energy sources like solar energy are experiencing a dramatic decline in cost. As technology advances, solar panels are becoming cheaper to produce and install, making them more competitive with coal in the long run.
  • Air We Breathe, Health We Live: Coal plants are major contributors to air pollution, releasing harmful pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These pollutants have a severe impact on human health, causing respiratory problems, heart disease, and even cancer. As public awareness about the health risks associated with coal grows, the demand for cleaner alternatives rises.

Solar Power: A Beacon Of Hope

Solar power offers a compelling solution to the challenges posed by coal. Here’s what makes it a strong contender:

  • Harnessing the Sun’s Bounty: Sunlight is a free, abundant, and renewable resource. Unlike coal, which has a finite supply, solar energy can be harnessed anywhere with sunshine. This makes it a sustainable solution for long-term energy needs.
  • Scalability for All: Solar power can be deployed at various scales. Large solar farms can generate electricity for entire communities, while rooftop solar panels can empower individual homes and businesses. This flexibility allows solar to cater to diverse energy requirements.
  • A Breath of Fresh Air (Literally): Solar energy generation produces no harmful emissions. It’s a clean and sustainable source of electricity with a minimal environmental footprint, making it an attractive option for combating climate change and ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.

Challenges On The Solar Path

Despite its advantages, solar power faces some hurdles:

  • The Intermittency Issue: Sunlight isn’t always available. Solar panels can’t generate electricity at night or on cloudy days. This intermittency issue requires solutions for energy storage. Battery technology is crucial to store excess solar energy during peak production times and utilise it when needed.
  • Upfront Investment Blues: While the long-term cost of solar power is low, the initial investment in solar panels and installation can be high. This can be a barrier for some individuals and businesses who may hesitate due to the upfront financial commitment.

Innovation Lights The Way

Fortunately, advancements in technology are addressing these challenges:

  • Battery Breakthroughs: Battery storage costs are declining rapidly, making it more feasible to store excess solar energy. This is helping to overcome the intermittency issue and ensure a more consistent supply of solar power.
  • Government Incentives Shine Through Many governments are offering incentives like tax breaks and rebates to encourage people and businesses to switch to solar power. These incentives help to offset the initial investment costs and make solar more accessible.
  • Financing Options Lighten the Load: Financial institutions are increasingly offering loan options specifically for solar panel installations. This allows individuals and businesses to spread the cost of solar power over time, making it more manageable from a financial standpoint.

AI: The Smart Grid’s Secret Weapon

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to be a game-changer in the renewable energy sector, particularly with solar power. Here’s how AI can play a crucial role:

  • Forecasting the Future: AI algorithms can analyse historical data, weather patterns, and energy consumption trends. This allows for more accurate predictions of future electricity demand. By anticipating demand, solar energy production and storage can be optimised, ensuring a reliable and efficient energy supply.
  • Grid Balancing Act: Integrating renewable energy sources like solar into the existing power grid can be complex. AI can help manage this by intelligently balancing supply and demand in real time. It can adjust energy production from solar farms, manage battery storage, and even integrate traditional power plants to ensure a stable and reliable electricity grid.
  • Predictive Maintenance Power: AI can monitor the performance of solar panels and identify potential problems early on. This allows for preventative maintenance, minimising downtime, and maximising energy output. AI can analyse data collected from sensors on solar panels to detect issues like micro-cracks, overheating, or potential shading problems. Early detection helps to address these issues promptly and ensures the smooth operation of the solar system.
  • Site Selection Smarts: Choosing the right location for a solar farm is crucial for maximising efficiency. AI can analyse various factors like sunlight availability, land use, and grid infrastructure to identify the most suitable locations. By considering factors like sun exposure, wind patterns, and proximity to existing power lines, AI can help ensure that solar farms are built in locations where they can generate the most electricity.

A Collaborative Future: Humans And AI Working Together

The transition from coal to solar power is a complex undertaking. However, by leveraging the combined power of human ingenuity and AI, we can create a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. Humans will continue to play a vital role in developing and implementing new technologies, designing efficient solar systems, and managing the grid. AI, on the other hand, will act as a powerful tool for optimising energy production, storage, and grid management. This collaborative approach, where AI’s analytical capabilities complement human expertise, holds immense promise for accelerating the widespread adoption of solar power.


The decline of coal and the rise of solar power represent a significant shift in the energy landscape. This transition is driven by a growing awareness of the environmental and health consequences of fossil fuels, coupled with the increasing affordability and efficiency of renewable energy sources.

While challenges remain, advancements in technology, including AI, are paving the way for a future powered by clean and sustainable energy. As solar power continues to evolve and gain momentum, we can move towards a world where sunlight illuminates our homes and businesses, not coal chimneys casting long shadows over our planet.