Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics

Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics By Gender and Country


Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics: Depression is one of the leading mental health conditions affecting many people around the world, according to Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics: this condition affects not only a specific group of people but may affect everyone in all generations and demographics.

Understanding the early signs of depression in males and females may prevent severe connecting health issues. It is essential to understand and differentiate the causes that lead to such mental health issues in men and women. However, following a healthy lifestyle, daily exercise, a positive mindset, and attitude may aid in preventing depression and related issues.

Editor’s Choice

  • The worldwide Depressive Disorders market is estimated to be valued at $22.61 billion in 2024.
  • A global comparison of the market shows that the majority of the revenue in the Depressive Disorder market is projected to be generated in the United States of America, resulting in $6,263 million in 2024.
  • According to Depression Statistics 2023, from September to October of the last year, 22.5% of Americans reported symptoms of depressive disorder.
  • Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics, in addition, state that women above 18 years have a higher risk of suffering through major depressive episodes, which is 10.5%, while for men, it is 6.2%.
  • Around 21 million Americans, which is 8.4% of the population, have suffered from major depressive episodes in their lifetime.
  • Depression is likely to be associated with various health conditions such as Cardiovascular conditions (17%), Diabetes (27%), Parkinson’s Disease (51%), and Cancer (42%).
  • On average, in the USA, 15% of women and 9% of men are suffering from depression or anxiety issues.
  • Most of the time, male depression goes unreported, leading to increasing suicide rates, which is 3.5 times more compared to women.
  • 15% individuals with a racial identity of two or more are likely to have a high prevalence of severe depressive issues.
  • According to Depression Statistics, Americans are likely to report their depression issues with mere primary medical professionals, and this leads to 50% of cases being underreported.

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Depressive Disorders Market


  • The worldwide Depressive Disorders market is estimated to be valued at $22.61 billion in 2024.
  • Furthermore, revenue is projected to grow at a CAGR of 0.92% between 2024 and 2028, reaching $23.45 billion by the projected year.
  • A global comparison of the market shows that the majority of the revenue is projected to be generated in the United States of America, resulting in $6,263 million in 2024.
  • In the current year, the per-person revenue is projected to amount to $64.96.


  • The African depressive disorders market is projected to grow at a CAGR of -2.31% between 2024 and 2028.
  • By the projected year, it is estimated to reach $0.51 billion.
  • The per-person revenue is projected to amount to $7.48 in the current year.
  • Moreover, in 2024 the market is projected to be valued at $0.56 billion in 2024.


  • The African depressive disorders market is valued at $6.11 billion in the current year.
  • In addition, between 2024 and 2028, the market will grow at a CAGR of 1.32%, reaching $6.44 billion by the projected year.
  • $33.63 is the estimated amount of per-person revenue in the mentioned market.


  • In the USA, the projected per-person revenue is $185.10 in 2024.
  • Furthermore, in the current year, the market is estimated to be valued at $9.08 billion and will grow at a CAGR of 0.57%, reaching $9.29 billion by 2028.

Australia and Oceania

  • The Australian and Oceania markets of depressive disorders are estimated to generate a revenue of $0.48 billion in 2024.
  • It will grow at a CAGR of 2.02% between 2024 and 2028, reaching $0.52 billion by the projected year.
  • The per-person revenue is estimated to amount to $200.30.


  • The European depressive disorders market is valued at $6.39 billion in 2024.
  • It is estimated that it will grow at a CAGR of 1.19% between 2024 and 2028, reaching $6.70 billion by the end of 2028.
  • The per-person revenue is expected to amount to $158.00 in 2024.

General Depression Statistics

  • According to Depression Statistics 2023, from September to October of the last year, 22.5% of Americans reported symptoms of depressive disorder.
  • As of today, 9.5% of the total American population aged 18 and above is suffering from depressive disorder.
  • Around 21 million Americans, which is 8.4% of the population, have suffered from major depressive episodes in their lifetime.
  • 15% individuals with a racial identity of two or more are likely to have a high prevalence of severe depressive issues.
  • Depression is likely to be associated with various health conditions such as Cardiovascular conditions (17%), Diabetes (27%), Parkinson’s Disease (51%), and Cancer (42%).
  • According to Depression Statistics, Americans are likely to report their depression issues with mere primary medical professionals, and this leads to 50% of cases being underreported.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 280 million people in the world are living with depression.
  • In the USA, more than 1 out of 10 people with depression have disruptions in their home, work, or school life.
  • In addition, the prevalence rate of depressive episodes between 12 to 17 years is 17%.

Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics

  • 1 out of 8 women are likely to develop clinical depression during their lifetime.
  • Depression rates are likely to be higher in females than males.
  • On average, in the USA, 15% of women and 9% of men are suffering from depression or anxiety issues.
  • Male vs. female Depression Statistics showed that depressive disorder symptoms were higher in females at 23.3%, while men reported 21.6%.
  • Most of the time, male depression goes unreported, leading to increasing suicide rates, which is 3.5 times more compared to women.
  • Out of 18.8 million Americans, 12% of women and 6.6% of men are suffering from depressive disorder.
  • Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics, in addition, state that women above 18 years have a higher risk of suffering through major depressive episodes, which is 10.5%, while for men, it is 6.2%.
  • Women who have recently given birth to a baby are likely to suffer from depression, as studies say 10% of females experience post-pregnancy depression.

Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics by Country

Country Females (%) Males (%)
Canada 5.9 3.4
Russia (per 100,000) 72.49 45.24
Spain 6.9 3.6
Brazil 10.1 5.2
China 4.11 2.96
Sweden 11.7 7.6
France 10.9 7.8
South Africa 27 18


According to Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics above show the prevalence of depression or any depressive disorder rate in men and women. Findings show that women in selected countries have a higher rate of diagnosis compared to men.

Share of Adults Who Reported Symptoms of Depressive Disorder and or Anxiety by Gender



Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics 2023 show that American women reported more symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders, representing 36% as compared to men, contributing 28.3%. The share of males vs females for mentioned mental health issues contributes 32.3% collectively.

By Age



In the USA, in 2023, compared to older generations, individuals in younger ages reported a significant percentage of depressive disorders or anxiety levels, resulting in 49.9%. In addition, the share of people who reported the symptoms in other age groups was seen decreasing as the age level increased. The lowest percentage was found in people aged 65 and above, resulting in 20.1%.

Share of Americans Who Had Been Diagnosed With Depression in Their Lifetime



Compared to the situation in the last five years, there has been a significant increase in the share of adults in the USA who have been diagnosed with depression. Since 2017, there has been a 9% increase in such cases, out of which the percentage of men with the issues represents 20.4% in 2023 and 36.7% for women. Male vs. female Depression Statistics show that compared to males, there has been a 10% increase in depression cases.

Share of College Students with Depression Symptoms



Between 2022 and 2023, a similar percentage of college students in the USA suffered from severe and moderate levels of depression, resulting in 20%. Overall, the rate of total depression cases compared to other types of mental health issues was 41%.

Share of Adults Who had ever Been Diagnosed with Selected Disorders



As of 2023, Depression is the second largest health issue, including major depressive disorder, with 23% of Americans suffering from the same. Anxiety disorders that included social anxiety, panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder ranked on top with 24% of votes in a survey by Statista. Americans reported less than 10% of diagnosis cases in each of the mentioned health issues in the above chart.

Percentage of Adults Who Experienced Symptoms as a Result of Stress in 2023



According to the survey conducted by Statista in 2023, Americans primarily suffered from headaches and feelings of anxiety or nervousness (35%) each as a result of stress levels. Fatigue, feeling depressed or sad, and irritability or anger were also common types of following symptoms of stress, contributing 33%.

What Are The Symptoms of Depression in Men and Women?

Early Signs of depression in men

  • Irritability
  • Frustration
  • Aggression
  • Anger

Behavioural signs in men

  • Increased consumption of alcohol and drugs
  • Constantly avoiding friends and family or social gatherings
  • Working extra hours without taking breaks
  • Turning into an abusive person or controlling in relationships
  • Doing risky activities such as gambling or unsafe sex
  • Attempting suicide

Physical Signs in Men

  • Sleep deprived
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Tightness in Chest
  • Sleeping too few hours
  • Unwanted or unexplained weight loss
  • Consuming too much or too much food
  • Pain in the back, limb, or joint
  • Severe digestive problem

Signs of Depression in women

Mental signs

  • Increased feeling of guilt
  • Constant mood swings
  • The feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness
  • Continuous crying without any reason
  • No signs of happiness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Suicidal thoughts

Physical Signs

  • Disturbed sleep cycles
  • Unexplained and drastic weight loss
  • Increased heartaches, breast tenderness, and headaches
  • Constantly sleep deprived
  • Feeling exhausted or weak
  • Irregular monthly period cycle

Understanding The Lasting Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on American Mental and Physical Health

  • New survey results from the American Psychological Association 2023 show that many people in the United States are feeling the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s not just about getting back to normal; there are deeper issues affecting mental and physical health.
  • The Stress in American 2023 survey, conducted by The Harris Poll, found that the stress from the pandemic has led to more mental health problems and chronic illnesses among adults.
  • Adults aged 35 to 44 saw the most significant increase in chronic health issues since the pandemic started. They also had the highest increase in mental health diagnoses.
  • Money and the economy were the top stress factors for adults aged 35 to 44 in 2023 compared to 2019.
  • The CEO of the APA, Arthur C. Evans Jr., emphasizes that the pandemic has changed us in significant ways, including the loss of over one million lives and changes in how we work and go to school.
  • Many adults reported good physical and mental health despite being diagnosed with chronic illnesses or mental health conditions.
  • Most adults downplayed their stress, thinking their problems weren’t serious enough compared to others.
  • Some reasons why people don’t seek treatment for stress include believing therapy doesn’t work, lack of time, or lack of insurance. However, many still wish they had help managing their stress.
  • A significant number of adults rated their stress levels as very high, especially parents of children under 18.
  • Parents reported increased financial strain, more fights about money, and feeling overwhelmed by stress compared to other adults.


In conclusion, (Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics) depression is the most common mental disorder issue found today in men and women. Although the causes that lead to depression vary from gender to age, the physical and mental signs are mostly standard. Male Vs. Female Depression Statistics say that women are more likely to suffer from depression compared to men. On the other hand, many cases of men with depression go underreported, which states women are more likely to be informed about their mental health compared to men.

It is ok to talk about your mental health with the person you trust. If you are experiencing any early signs, consult a specialized doctor immediately to prevent severe effects on your health.

