Fieldwork Service Statistics

Fieldwork Service Statistics and Facts 2024


Fieldwork Service Statistics: Fieldwork service agencies are individually dedicated to searching for and recruiting employees for your project and also assembling the results rather than working on your market research project as a total. Work done in the field to earn practical knowledge and experience through firsthand observation. Fieldwork has been a captain in the marketing research services and facilities for past years.

Fieldwork services allow the researchers to collect data from in-person interviews which can be through computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI) or from computer-assisted field entry methods. The market research has developed from the standard focus group to comprise other methodologies and innovations. We will shed more light on the Fieldwork Service Statistics in the further article.

Editor’s Choice

  • As per ServiceMax, almost 67% of the field service organizations felt a more noteworthy consumer push to introduce remote services in their service portfolio.
  • Virtually, 85% of the technical professionals feel the knowledge necessary to service products is changing.
  • As per Salesforce, 48% of the customers have switched brands for good customer service.
  • Practically, 86% of the decision-makers in the company with the field service say it’s difficult to scale their business.
  • As per ServiceMax, 58% want to increase remote service options.
  • About, 80% of the field service organizations claim that their consumers expect more today in service standards than they did 19 months ago.
  • Maximum people think that maintaining soil quality, controlling plant diseases, guaranteeing adequate crop yields, and controlling infestation are all agricultural difficulties in ASEAN that are adversely impacted by atmospheric change.
  • As per Fieldwork service statistics, the Japanese market will be generating almost $604.1 million by 2032 and will also grow at a CAGR of 9.6% in the future.
  • In 2026, the Field service industry is projected to hit $5.7 billion.
  • As per Zion Market Research, the Field service market will be reaching $6.68 billion.
  • The field service management market is predicted to grow at an 11% CAGR. 
  • Between 2017 and 2024, the market size of the US field service management software organization has grown almost 13.0% annually on average.
  • By 2025 almost half of the field technicians and service employees will resort to freelancing.

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General Fieldwork Service Management Market Statistics

  • By 2028, the Fieldwork Service market is projected to be valued at till$7.69 billion, as a result of its applications in manufacturing, transportation, energy and utilities, and oil and gas as well.
  • As per Zion Market research, it is revealed that the Field service market will reach $6.68 billion.
  • In 2026, the Field service industry is estimated to grow at $5.7 billion.
  • By 2025, the market for field service management is estimated to expand at 11% CAGR. If this continues, the estimated $3 billion FSM market for the year 2020.
  • Almost 50% of the field service management positions are predicted to involve IoT-connected products.
  • In 2026, the field service market is estimated to reach $6.51 billion and at a CAGR of 15.7%.
  • By 2026, almost 70% of the field service management positions are forecasted to embrace mobile Augmented Reality (AR) tools for alliance and splitting knowledge.
  • In the next 5 years, the market field service management will dilate at 15.4% CAGR.
  • As per Technavio, the size of the disaster relief logistics market is projected to increase by $5.22 billion from 2022 to 2026 with a CAGR of 4.07%.
  • By 2027, the estimated global size of the field service management market is projected to reach $7.04 billion.
  • Right through, the field service management projected period the market is foreseen to expand at a 13.9% CAGR.
  • From 2021 to 2028, the market is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 13.9% from $3.24 billion to $8.06 billion.
  • As per Facts and Factors, in 2021 the worldwide field service management market, at almost $3,172.5 million, by 2028 is estimated to grow to almost $6,161.9 million with a compound annual growth rate of roughly 11.7% in the coming year.

Field Service Management Latest Statistics

  • It matters when 66% of consumers expect organizations to understand their unique needs and expectations.
  • Almost 80% of the decision-makers at the organizations with the field service say it’s a key part of their all-time statistics.
  • Nearly, 72% of the mobile workers believe that they have received training on how to be compassionate with customers.
  • 85% of the mobile workers see that they are responsible for customer retention.
  • Almost 80% of the technical experts think that Artificial Intelligence will generally increase workforce skills and efficiency not replace humans.
  • The advantage for businesses is that consumers are willing to move providers if they feel their data is safer that is likely why 97% of the business see security as a competitive benefit.
  • Almost 80% of the field service technicians state that the mobile field service techniques make it difficult to grow their efficiency and quality in helping consumers.
  • Nearly, 52% of the operators are using some form of manual methods to settle data.
  • Data analytics improve the retention of consumers by 42% and the data analytics grows profits of field service companies by 18%.
  • Compounding SE Asia Agricultural challenges, 50% of ASEAN policymakers.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the earlier estimation projected growth of Fieldwork Service Management all around the end-user segments is projected to increase as COVID-19 restricts industry professionals.
  • As per Harvard Business Review, the U.S. average for organizational trust was only 70%.
  • 89% of the customers on on-demand technology applied to their technician scheduling and virtually as much as customers would be willing to pay.
  • As per the survey in 2020, 25% of Field Service Organizers were currently using spreadsheets for job scheduling whereas the remaining used whiteboards and other methods.

Field Service Management Software Statistics

  • Professionals use Field Service Management software in almost 49% of cases.
  • 77% of the field service operations use software management FSM solutions to control all processes.
  • As per 97% of the businesses that employ it, software for GPS fleet tracking is beneficial.
  • Producing personalized field service management software 00.5% growth 0.
  • 32% of fleet tracking software customers reported an advantage in investment, almost 6 months after the development of its software.
  • Between 2021 and 2030, the size of the global field service management software market is predicted to increase at a 19.7% CAGR.
  • Just 48% of the companies are using field service management software.
  • By 2030, the field service management software is estimated to amount to $24,294,000.00.
  • As per 61% of the fleet organizers, the volume of Field service management software to impulsively update records, and collect customers and work details is its crucial feature.
  • According to the survey, the FSM software is used by almost 48% of organizations.
  • Virtually, 32% of fleet tracking software users reported a positive return on investment 6 months after the implementation.
  • Almost 96% of the companies that use GPS fleet tracking software find it beneficial.

Field Service Improvement Statistic

  • 77% of the field service improvement makes speculation in information and empower-concentrated technologies and solutions.
  • Field service optimization is the top issue for FSOs 47% of the field service businesses still grapple to find almost qualified technicians.
  • 92% of Field Service Improvement heads want to change their service models to gain profits.
  • Practically 83.81% of the Field service improvements, forecast that Artificial Intelligence will increase consumer satisfaction.
  • With some 17.14% intending to grow in coming years, of the maximum of FSO 44.76% focus on Artificial Intelligence in the next 4 years.

Field Service Statistics on Technology

  • AI and motility grow the field service agents’ productivity by 40% to 50%.
  • It is expected that the United and European industrial drone fleet industries will hire 1 million drones.
  • Virtually 89% of them will be ready to pay extra for present, on-demand technologies that are used by technician scheduling.
  • 73% of the field management organizations, the IOT is a part of the operations.
  • Practically 75% of field service organizations that use motility technologies have expertly grown the worker’s efficiency, whereas the remaining organizations have seen growth in consumer satisfaction.
  • As per Mordor Intelligence, 43% of field service management organizations have executed the IoT.
  • By 2025, as much as 95% of customer interactions will occur through channels powered by A. I and buyers outline being willing to pay more for a superior customer experience.
  • On-job training has developed with the use of remote assistance technology and new technical professionals which has taken 41% less time in total.
  • Internet of Things applications used in the field service industry value almost a $470 billion yearly increase in impact on the country’s economy.
  • Customer retention has increased by 43% because of data analytics

Fieldwork in Research Marketing Management

  • Fieldwork, which is like going out to talk to people and learn about things, is super important in market research.
  • We use it to find out what customers want and need, how they feel about brands, and if they’re happy with products.
  • Some other words people might use for fieldwork are primary research and data collection.
  • This just means we’re getting new information directly from people, not using stuff that’s already been gathered.
  • Fieldwork can be done in lots of different ways, like asking people questions (surveys), watching them (ethnographic research), or trying out new ideas with them (product testing).
  • It helps us make better products, figure out how to make people like our brands more, and see if our ads are working.
  • Plus, it helps us know who our customers are and how we can reach them better.
  • One cool thing about fieldwork is that it’s always changing.
  • Now, with smartphones being everywhere, we can do surveys on phones and get answers super-fast. We can also check out what people are saying on social media to learn even more about them.
  • Sometimes, we use fancy technology like AI to help us analyze all the data we collect. This makes it easier to find out what’s important and what we can learn from it.
  • But fieldwork isn’t always easy. Sometimes, people get tired of answering questions or they might not tell the truth. We have to be careful to ask questions fairly so we get the right answers.
  • Another important thing is making sure we’re being respectful of people’s privacy and following all the rules about using their information.
  • Doing fieldwork in different places, like cities or rural areas, can also be tricky. In cities, it’s easier to find lots of people, but they might be busy or distracted.
  • In rural areas, there might not be as many people, but they might be more willing to talk to us.
  • And when we do fieldwork in different countries, we have to remember that people might have different ways of doing things or thinking about things. We need to be respectful of their cultures and make sure we’re following all the rules.
  • Sometimes, it can be helpful to work with a company that knows a lot about market research, like Kadence International. They can help us figure out the best ways to do our fieldwork and analyze the data we collect.
  • Overall, fieldwork is a really important part of market research. It helps us learn about our customers and make better decisions about our products and brands.

Full-service market research agency statistics

A full-service market research agency is a company that is made up of market research professionals and administrators who will provide you with a full proof market research solutions supporting your business or brand for the project duration:

  • Research planning and proposals – In this step the important information that is needed to set about the project and the proceeding of the project. Budget and time management will also be laid out as a part and parcel of this process.
  • Screener writing and recruitments – When the proposal has been agreed then the full–service agency will then go away and work on recruiting the participants you want for your project.
  • Data Collection – As and when all the participants are selected and recruited a full-service agency may also have a running hand with actual research and data collection.
  • Analyzing and interpreting the data – As the data is collected a full-service agency will analyze which includes editing, coding, transcribing, and verification as well as creating a detailed plan for the final analysis.
  • Presenting the data to the third party – as the data has been verified and analyzed the full-service agency will prepare and then present the final written report. That will also include an overview of the full project.


Field Service Management is an essential tool for businesses that depend on field operations to deliver services. By improving communication, consumer satisfaction and managerial ability organizations can gain competitive growth in the market.

Utilizing the field service management tools increases operational performance and also drives revenue growth and improves overall business success. Businesses that invest in effective field service management solutions will indubitably reap the benefits and stay ahead of the curve in this breakneck world. We have comprehensively studied the crucial aspects of fieldwork service statistics.

