Workplace Violence Statistics

Workplace Violence Statistics By Demographics, Impact and Consequences


Workplace Violence Statistics: Every year, murders, robberies, and assaults take place in various locations. The workplace is one of the leading locations in such events. Jealousy, work at stress, competition at work, etc, are the causes that lead to workplace outbreaks of violence. Surprisingly, companies are less likely to take action against such issues.

Even employees are less confident in reporting thinking of unproductive outcomes. Millions of employees suffer from these attacks, which cause severe mental and physical health issues. These Workplace Violence Statistics show the current well-being of employees from across the world. It is time for companies to take these cases seriously and provide support to employees. 

Editor’s Choice

  • Out-of-court settlements for workplace violence cases are likely to cost around $500,000.
  • Workplace Violence Statistics show that every year, around 2 million people at work fall prey to violence in the USA.
  • As per the National Nurses United (NNU) survey, 8 out of 10 suffered workplace violence in 2023
  • The rate of violence at work is 12 times higher for healthcare workers compared to other types of industries.
  • The industries or companies related to money exchanges or direct interaction with the public are at the highest risk of workplace violence.
  • In the USA, workplace violence is the 3rd most significant cause of fatal injuries at work.
  • 70% of companies do not have any policies or programs to support a healthy workplace environment.
  • In the USA, 53% of shopkeepers said they have seen an increase in violent use during shoplifting by repeat offenders. On the other hand, 41% said the same but experienced it with juveniles.
  • 25% of violent incidents at companies are likely to involve someone with a known history of violence.
  • Private company employees are likely to experience trauma from nonfatal violence at work.

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General Workplace Violence Statistics

  • Workplace Violence Statistics show that every year, around 2 million people at work fall prey to violence in the USA.
  • 85% of workplace violence deaths occur due to robbery.
  • Due to such events, businesses in the USA experience losses of $250 to $330 billion every year.
  • Of all victims of violence at work who were bullied, 94% are Americans.
  • At least one violent incident at work takes place in 50% of HR organisations.
  • The average number of assaults at the workplace is 4,00,000 in the USA.
  • Furthermore, 10% of fatal injuries at work are caused by workplace violence.
  • Workplace Violence Statistics state that industries or companies related to money exchanges or direct interaction with the public are at the highest risk of workplace violence.
  • More than 50% of American employees agree that their companies ignore their safety at work.
  • 25% of businesses do not report workplace violence incidents.
  • Out-of-court settlements for workplace violence cases are likely to cost around $500,000.
  • In the USA, New York, Florida, Texas, and California are likely to experience a higher number of workplace violence cases.
  • 55% of workplace violence victims think that reporting such events is just a waste of time.
  • 70% of companies do not have any policies or programs to support a healthy workplace environment.
  • 25% of violent incidents at companies are likely to involve someone with a known history of violence.
  • Furthermore, 20% of violence is often committed by former employees or co-workers.
  • In the USA, workplace violence is the 3rd most significant cause of fatal injuries at work.
  • According to a survey, 94% of employees said they have been bullied at least once in their workplace.
  • 79% of employees have indirectly witnessed or have experienced bullying cases at their workplaces.
  • EEOC receives, on average, 82,847 workplace discrimination complaints.
  • 35% of employees reported they had been harassed at work at least once. 
  • 60% of American employers are likely to react negatively when bullying is reported.
  • 35% of the time, the injuries affect the head area in workplace violence events.
  • On average, 1 out of 8 American employees experience direct threats or verbal abuse.
  • Moreover, in the mentioned cases, fatal assaults are performed with the acts of shoving, beating, hitting, and kicking.
  • 55% of HR professionals are unaware of the workplace violence prevention programs in the companies.
  • When domestic violence affairs are brought into companies, then such events are likely to cause a loss in productivity, contributing $727 million.
  • 57% of employees resign from jobs because of bad managers.
  • 1 in 6 employees who experience workplace violence are likely to take an annual or sick leave the day after the harassment took place.
  • 85% of employees know how and where to report workplace violence but do not have any confidence that the case will be fairly addressed. 
  • Workplace Violence Statistics show that, on average, 25% of such incidents are never reported.

Workplace Violence Statistics By Demographics

  • Murder events lead to 19% of female workplace mortalities.
  • Employees between 20 and 34 years old are the workplace violence targets.
  • The majority of the victims are white by ethnic background.
  • Around the world, 23% of women and 22% of men are likely to experience psychological, sexual, and physical assaults.
  • On average, men are more likely to be victims than females.
  • 23% of women employees of average companies stated that sexual harassment has worsened since the pandemic.
  • 45% of women are likely to experience harassment remotely through social media, video calls, texts, and emails. 
  • In the media and entertainment industry, the rate of violence by demographic is 41% for women and 22% for men. 
  • Around 68% of LGBT employees have experienced some type of sexual harassment at their workplaces.
  • Furthermore, one in eight LGBT female employees has experienced rape and sexual assaults at work.
  • Workplace Violence Statistics show that most of the time, accused harassers are men contributing 78%.

Workplace Violence Statistics By Industry

  • According to Workplace Violence Statistics 2023, 37.2% of nurses reconsidered their jobs, and 25% of them changed their jobs due to violence.
  • As per the National Nurses United (NNU) survey, 8 out of 10 suffered workplace violence in 2023.
  • In healthcare and social assistance industries, the rate of workplace violence is around 8.2%.
  • The rate of violence at work is 12 times higher for healthcare workers compared to other types of industries.
  • 44% of school teachers experience violence at their workplace.
  • Private company employees are likely to experience trauma from nonfatal violence at work.
  • Workplace Violence Statistics show that, over the last ten years, 22,088 law enforcement officers have been assaulted using firearms.
  • On average, 71% of female employees in the restaurant industry have been sexually assaulted at once in their employment period. 
  • Furthermore, the ratio of harassment in the education industry is 15% and 6% for female and male teachers, respectively.
  • As compared to other professions, taxi drivers are at a 20 times higher risk of being murdered while working.

Types Of Workplace Violence Experienced By Nurses

Type of Violence Experienced in Past Year Nurses Reporting
Verbally threatened 67.8%
Physically threatened 38.7%
Pinched or scratched 37.3%
Slapped, punched, or kicked 36.2%
Objects thrown at you 34.6%
Verbally harassed based on your sex or appearance 33.3%
Spat on or exposed to other bodily fluids 29.9%
Groped or touched inappropriate 19.8%
I have not experienced workplace violence 18.4%


According to the survey conducted by National Nurses United, between January 2023 and December 2023, the majority of the nurses who experienced violence were verbally threatened, representing 67.8% of cases. While 38.7% of nurses were physically threatened, and 37.3% reported to be pinched or scratched.  Other types include slapper, kicking, or punching (36.2%), objects thrown at them (34.6%), and verbal harassment based on sex or appearance (33.3%) etc.

By Impacts Of Workplace Violence On Nurses

NNU Survey of Nurses’ Experience of Workplace Violence: Impacts of Workplace Violence, Data Gathered between Jan. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023

Impacts of Workplace Violence Nurses Reporting
Anxiety, fear, or increased vigilance 65.3%
Considered leaving profession 37.2%
Physical injury or other physical symptoms (e.g., headaches, stomach aches, etc.) 33.4%
Difficulty working in environment that reminds of me past incident 27.4%
Took time off work or reduced work 22.9%
Changed or left job 19.2%
Psychological effects prevent me from working 9.7%
Applied for workers’ compensation 5.0%
Physical injury prevents me from working 3.7%
Left profession 4.1%
No injury/no effect 18.5%


In a report by NNU 2023, the majority of the nurses felt an increase in fear, anxiety, or vigilance, contributing 65.3%. 37.2% considered leaving the profession. While 33.4% had some physical injuries, which included stomach aches, headaches, etc. Other impacts of violence include difficulty in working, taking time off work, changing or leaving jobs, psychological effects preventing from working, leaving the profession, etc.

Types Of Facilities

NNU Survey of Nurses’ Experience of Workplace Violence: Type of Health Care Facility Respondent Works In, Data gathered between Jan. 1, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023

Type of Health Care Facility Respondent Works In Nurses Reporting
Hospital 79.5%
Home care/hospice 4.4%
Skilled nursing facility/ long-term care 3.9%
Outpatient clinic 8.5%
Medical offices 1.8%
Retired 4.7%
Currently not employed as a nurse 2.8%


The majority of the nurses who suffered violence at work were working in the hospital, contributing 79.5%. The remaining were employed at-home care (4.4%), skilled nursing facility (3.9%), outpatient clinic (8.5%), and medical offices (1.8%). On the other hand, the retired (4.7%) and unemployed share of nurses represented 2.8%.

Violence Used During Shoplifting

Perceived Change In The Use Of Violence During Shoplifting According To Retailers In The United States In 2023, By Offender Type(Reference:

In the USA, 53% of shopkeepers said they have seen an increase in violent use during shoplifting by repeat offenders. On the other hand, 41% said the same but experienced it with juveniles. On the other hand, the majority of others have experienced no increase in violence either in juveniles or repeat offenders.

Consequences Of Violence By Retailers

Consequences Of Violence And Crime For Retailers In The United States In 2023(Reference:

According to a survey by Statista 2023, in the USA, most retailers chose to reduce specific stores’ operating hours as a consequence of violence and crime, contributing 45.3%. 29.7% altered or reduced in-store product selection, while 28.1% chose to close the specific store location.

Types Of Risks And Threats Experienced By Retailers

Risks And Threats Prioritized More By Retailers In Their Retail Security In The United States In 2023, Compared To The Previous Year(Reference:

In 2023, nearly 80% of shopkeepers in the USA said organised retail crime is emerging as compared to last year. 72.3% said violence during criminal acts and homelessness concerns are also on the rise.

Number Of Workplace Shooting In USA Between 1982 To 2023

Place or Incident Fatalities Injured
El Paso Walmart, Mass Shooting, Texas, 2019 22 26
San Bernardino Mass Shooting, California, 2015 14 21
Atlanta Day Trading Spree Killings, Georgia, 1999 9 13
United States Postal Service Shooting, Edmond, Oklahoma, 1986 15 6
Standard Gravure Shooting, Louisville, Kentucky, 1989 9 12
Excel Industries Mass Shooting, Hesston, Kansas, 2016 3 12
Virginia Beach Municipal Building Shooting, Virginia, 2019 12 4
Lockheed Martin Shooting, Meridian, Mississippi, 2003 7 8
FedEx Warehouse Shooting, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2021 8 7
Louisville Bank Shooting, Kentucky, 2023 5 8
Buffalo Supermarket Massacre, New York, 2022 10 3
Planned Parenthood Clinic, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2015 3 9
Virginia Walmart Shooting, Chesapeake, Virginia, 2022 6 6


Prioritising Workplace Safety And Mental Health In 2024

In 2024, as millions of Americans return to work following the holidays, ensuring workplace safety and promoting mental health has become an increasingly urgent priority. According to a report by Forbes 2023, numerous surveys conducted since 2021 have highlighted significant deficiencies in both psychological and physical safety within modern workplaces, with employees facing various challenges ranging from cyber threats to acts of violence.

As we navigate these turbulent times, employers must foster environments where employees feel psychologically safe to bring their whole selves to work, take risks, and express vulnerability without fear of repercussions.

  • The Importance Of Addressing Mental Health – Recent surveys, including one conducted by Traliant, underscore the pressing need for employers to prioritise mental health in the workplace. A staggering 86% of respondents expressed the belief that employers must do more to address mental health needs. Burnout, toxic management practices, and wage stagnation were identified as key contributors to employees’ mental health concerns. These findings indicate a critical need for organisations to implement strategies that support employees’ psychological well-being.
  • Understanding Workplace Violence – Workplace violence poses a significant threat to employees’ safety and security. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), nearly two million U.S. workers fall victim to workplace violence annually. Traliant’s research revealed alarming statistics, with one in four employees witnessing acts of violence in the workplace within the past five years. Workplace Violence Statistics show only 44% of workers feel confident in reporting misconduct without fear of retaliation. This highlights the importance of fostering a speak-up culture where employees feel empowered to address safety concerns without repercussions.
  • Promoting Comprehensive Safety Measures – To address the dual challenges of workplace safety and mental health, employers must implement comprehensive strategies aimed at promoting employee well-being. Michael Johnson from Traliant emphasises the need for robust training programs that educate employees on recognizing and responding to various forms of workplace violence. Additionally, clear emergency action plans and effective communication protocols are essential for ensuring employees know how to react in crises. Employers should also recognize that workplace safety encompasses both physical and emotional aspects and prioritise initiatives that support employees’ mental health.
  • Supporting Mental Health Crisis Management – Institute best practices to mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover from mental health crises within the workplace. Establish processes for identifying early warning signs of mental health issues and provide employees with confidential avenues for seeking help, such as anonymous tip lines or open-door policies. Implement quick and effective communication protocols to connect with emergency services promptly and alert employees to potential safety risks—Foster collaboration between the organisation and public safety agencies to ensure a coordinated response to mental health emergencies.
  • Building a Safer and Healthier Work Environment – As we enter 2024, employers must prioritise workplace safety and mental health. By addressing issues such as workplace violence, burnout, and toxic management practices, organisations can create environments where employees feel safe, supported, and empowered to thrive. Investing in comprehensive training, clear communication protocols, and mental health resources demonstrates a commitment to fostering a culture of safety and well-being. By taking proactive measures to address these critical issues, employers can not only protect their employees but also enhance organisational resilience and productivity in the long run.


In older times, most women were the targets of violence, be it in offices or homes. The world has changed since the last decade, which is causing trouble for men as well. Today, workplace violence has become common in the world. These Workplace Violence Statistics confirm how millions of people are falling prey to different types of violence every day. Such events cause adverse effects on the body as well as the mind.

Many reports published online state that the companies are not yet taking such events seriously, and many go unreported. In conclusion, violence remains a prominent issue all across the world.

