Workplace Conflict Statistics

Workplace Conflict Statistics and Facts 2024


Workplace Conflict Statistics: Workplace conflict is very common, and many people spend their lives avoiding it. Conflict is unavoidable and unpredictable and can happen anytime and between anyone. Rather than pointlessly attempting to avoid conflict, we need to understand it and look at it from a different point of view. Managers should know how to handle conflicts in the workplace without any partiality. Many times, a simple disagreement may not need any intervention, but if the same type of situation repeats, then the manager has to get involved.

Every argument or conflict in the workplace requires a special reply. Relationship disagreements are the biggest threat to the worker’s stress and well-being out of all types of workplace disagreements. This article takes a look at such workplace conflict statistics.

Editor’s Choice

  • Almost 56% of the managers think that conflicts lead to higher creativity and innovation.
  • Nearly 36% of the employees avoid confrontation by ignoring disagreements.
  • 75% of the workers think that fear of penalty prevents honest discussions about workplace arguments.
  • About 60% of employees who have never felt arguments at work are more satisfied with their jobs if compared to 45% of employees who have.
  • Nearly 88% of the employees think that conflict resolution is a crucial leadership skill.
  • 31% of the employees have experienced conflicts due to racial or cultural differences.
  • Roughly 54% of the workers think that interdepartmental arguments are the most prevalent type of workout arguments.
  • Almost 79% of the workers who have conflicts at work think that their workplace is hostile.
  • 29% of the professionals have thought about leaving their jobs because of the conflicts at the workplace.
  • Almost 49% of workplace disagreements are caused due to poor communication.
  • Gender inequality is a major factor in 28% of workplace conflicts.
  • Almost 34% of office conflicts arise from personality clashes and egos.
  • The worker conflicts cost companies almost $359 billion every year in lost productivity.
  • About 62% of the employees believe that they have experienced psychological problems due to conflict in the workplace.
  • Nearly 85% of employees at all stages experience conflicts in the workplace.

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Employee Engagement Statistics

  • About 44% of people report losing 1 hour or more every hour in productivity because of stress. The other 37% report losing 20-30 minutes of their productivity because of unnecessary conflicts and stress.
  • According to Gallup, disengaged managers cost the United States between $77 billion and $96 billion every year.


  • According to Millennial Branding, 87% of the companies stated that it costs $15,000 to $25,000 to replace a departed millennial employee.
  • As per The Engagement Institute, detached workers cost the companies between $450 and $550.
  • As per Harvard, workers in the top 1 in productivity add almost $5000 to profit every year, whereas a toxic worker costs almost $12000 every year.
  • Gallup states that an engaged employee between 40 and 49 costs almost $127.76 every month in lost productivity due to unhealthy days, and an active employee in the same age group costs almost $236.20, an 85% increase.
  • The worker engagement program can increase profits by $2400 every month
  • As per Saba Software, almost 49% of the Human Resource name retention and leadership development program is the top priority among the talent management goals.
  • 83% of the workers think that attracting and retaining talent is a growing challenge.
  • According to SHRM,68% of the HR team stated that they experienced recruiting difficulty and a shortage of skills in certain types of jobs.
  • Almost 40% of organizations report the loss of personnel as a top concern.
  • The attrition rate of disengaged employees is 12 times higher than that of highly engaged workers over a year.
  • The consumer retention rate is almost 18% higher when the employees are highly engaged for almost a period.
  • Per year, the average organization loses almost 20% to 50% of its employee base.
  • Organizations that increase their number of talented managers and also double the rate of engaged workers get 147% higher earnings per share than the competitors.
  • The replacement cost of the highly- qualified employees is 400% of their annual salary.
  • The cost of the mid-qualified workers is almost 150% of their yearly salary.
  • The cost of replacing entry-level employees is almost 30% to 50% of their yearly salary.
  • As per Aflac, about 67% of the employees are extremely satisfied with their jobs.
  • About 51% of the employees are looking to leave their present jobs.

Essential Workplace Conflict Statistics 2024

  • Just about 62% of the workers feel that workplace arguments result from various values and perspectives.
  • Virtually 58% of the employees have never had trust-building training within their colleges.


  • Nearly 54% of the employees think that if the conflicts are resolved well, they can remain healthy.
  • The unsettled workplace conflict can negatively impact the company’s success rate by 30%.
  • About 65% of the performance issues result from strained relationships between the workers and the subordinates.
  • Roughly 88% of the employees think that the unsettled arguments lead to an unhealthy work environment.
  • The arguments in the workplace account for 33.6% of employee resignations.
  • Workers between 25 years and 34 years experience a significant 75% likelihood of being involved in a workplace conflict.
  • 72% of the employees in the office observe a positive result from the disputes.
  • Poor communication between the workers results in 56% of project failures.
  • Roughly 29% of the workers think that their bosses do not deal effectively with their disputes.
  • Practically, 60% of the employees surveyed had never received training on managing a conflict.
  • More or less, 42% of the manager’s time is spent in managing conflicts.
  • Almost 40% of the employees found that their office arguments were due to workload and work pressure.
  • Annually, workplace conflicts cost organizations an average of $359 billion.
  • Higher management spends almost 20% of their time resolving office disputes.
  • The workers that deal with workplace conflicts are 12% less productive.
  • Nearly 70% to 90% of the issues in companies come from strained relationships among the employees.
  • Roughly 33% of the issues are about resolving differences in style or using a strategy.
  • Near to 10% of the employees think that lack of transparency is the basic reason for workplace conflict.
  • 3 out of 4 workers think that their direct manager could have managed the workplace conflict more effectively.
  • Virtually 12% of the workers have experienced office conflict caused by rumours and gossip.
  • 27% of the workers have experienced conflicts that lead to personal attacks.
  • Nearly 57% of the employees have experienced confrontational workplace conflicts that have resulted in personal insults.
  • In the United States, employees spend almost 2.1 hours weekly in conflicts, which amounts to 385 million working days.
  • Practically 85% of the workers at all levels witnessed the conflict to some degree.

Best Practices for Conflict Resolution

  • With the proper awareness and dedication, positive responses can be crafted.
  • 4.2% of respondents chose a more informal but honest one-on-one conversation to address concerns transparently.



  •  Virtually 40% were in favour of a leader who would be a mediator, who would consider each side of the issue and make a final decision.
  •  Nearly 40% of respondents suggested that by establishing guidelines for the expected code of conduct, the likelihood of conflict will be less.
  • Nearly 39% of them referred to managers who set the example of unity-focused behavior by showing an.
  • About 29% of those who have people who are highlighted as leaders avoid making decisions based on ego.

Communication in the Workplace Statistics 2024

  • As for the primary cause of workplace conflict, almost 86% of workers and executives seem to lack effective collaboration and communication.
  • Teams that communicate effectively may increase their performance by almost 25%.
  • Almost 68% of employees think that AI will significantly impact the communication sector in the upcoming five years.
  • Almost 81% of workers use manager team meetings as their basic communication channel, followed by enterprise chat tools, which are used almost 79% of the time.
  • Nearly 92% of companies use emails as their basic broadcast channel.
  • Just about 74% of the recruiters also indicated that knowing how to use digital communication tools and video conferencing is also an important skill for job candidates to possess.
  • 81% of global recruiters think that cross-cultural competence is the most important communication skill job candidates should have. 77% of multilingualism and 75% of active listening.
  • Close to 70% of worldwide workers indicate that communication is the most desirable skill for potential recruits.
  • Acting on workers’ feedback grows trust in the workplace by 75%.
  • Nearly, 84% of the employees depend on their managers for communication to some rate.
  • Around 70% of people believe that time wasted is one of the bad consequences of poor communication.
  • 75% of the employees use engagement surveys to collect worker’s feedback.

Workplace Communications After COVID-19

  • The workplace conflict statistics say that 21% of the employees didn’t have a reason to leave their homes.
  • About 15% of the employees feel lonely during the work-from-home period.
  • This was highlighted by 14% of the respondents who said that they were working across time zones.
  • The major drawback of a pandemic is that the majority of people didn’t learn to set a proper work-life boundary.
  • According to workplace conflict statistics, the pandemic had a temporary positive effect on workers’ perceptions of their companies.
  • As per the survey, office-based employees only work between 36% to 39% of their work days.

Positive Outcome of Work Conflicts

  • Practically, 85% of the employees handle disputes differently than in past disputes.
  • Almost 31% of the disputes bother less, whereas a similar number have become active in solving the arguments.
  • As per Niagara Institute, 80.6% of the respondents are unafraid of challenging the conversation if it leads to a mutually beneficial resolution.
  • Almost 9% of the disputes were credited for the major innovations, whereas 21% noticed increased team performance.
  • Worldwide, 76% of workers observed a positive outcome from disputes, and 41% of them have a better understanding of others.
  • About 27% felt more confident handling conflicts, and 58% of the trained individuals now aim for mutually beneficial outcomes from disputes.
  • 95% of those trained either in leadership development or external courses.

Workplace Statistics

  • Workplace conflict statistics state that 60% to 80% of all issues in companies stem from the strained relationship between the workers and not from the deficits in the individual employee’s skill.
  • The manager spends almost 25% to 40% of his or her time dealing with workplace issues.
  • 2/3rd of the men and women say that work has an impact on their stress level, and 1 in 5 people have called in sick.
  • As per Northen National Life, 1/4th of the workers view their jobs as the number one stress creator in their lives.
  • The office stress causes 1 million US workers to miss work each day.
  • As per St. Paul Co, workplace issues are more strongly related to health complaints than any other stress in life.
  • Workers who must take time off work due to stress or work conflicts will be off the job for almost 21 days.
  • The Partnership for Prevention states that poor employee health has indirect costs, such as absenteeism, disability, and lost work performance.
  • The productivity of the employee’s loss related to personal and family health issues costs almost $1,685 for each worker annually or $ 225.8 billion annually.
  • 90% of the harassment at the workplace is never officially reported.
  • As per Ernst & Young, the cost of losing and replacing an employee may be as high as 150% of the departing employee’s may be as high as 150% of the departing employee’s annual salary.
  • The indirect costs of the ill-treated mental health disorders result in a $79 billion annual loss to the company due to the loss of productivity.
  • The average workweek has increased the leisure time has decreased by 37%.

Triggers Causing The Majority of Conflicts

  • Understanding how remote work impacts communication and performance in teams is crucial for businesses.
  • Our research shows that relying solely on emails and chats can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Clear communication is essential for comprehension, especially in remote settings where non-verbal cues are absent.
  • Using the right communication tools is key. Email is suitable for routine information, while Slack or phone calls work best for real-time responses.
  • Video calls or in-person meetings are ideal for sensitive discussions.
  • Transparent performance expectations are vital for remote teams.
  • Managers should identify key standards aligned with the company’s goals.
  • Project management tools like Trello or Asana can help track tasks and progress. However, it is crucial to have open dialogue with team members to set realistic goals.
  • Time management is another challenge for remote teams.
  • Encouraging team members to track their hours can help identify inefficiencies and improve workload distribution.
  • Reviewing time trackers regularly can optimize work schedules and set realistic deadlines.
  • Clarifying task and role expectations is essential to avoid confusion and conflicts.
  • Creating a guide outlining roles, tasks, and communication protocols helps ensure accountability and clarity.
  • Implementing these strategies can improve communication, performance, and overall productivity in remote teams.

The Cost of Workplace Conflicts

  • Virtually 76% of the workers trained in conflict resolution and management saw a positive outcome.
  • As per workplace conflict statistics, 9% of the employees have observed a project failing due to arguments between subordinates.
  • Office stress causes almost 34% of disputes, heavy workloads cause almost 33%, and personal attacks, sickness, and depression account for 27% and 25%, respectively.
  • Almost 49% of office quarrels stem from personality differences and ego problems.
  • Nearly 56% of the workers deal with workplace conflicts and experience stress, depression, and anxiousness, while 40% get demotivated.
  • Roughly 10% of the employees in the United States state that conflicts led to project failures.
  • About 33.6% of the workers involved in disputes said that they resulted in physical harm, and 22% took leave because of injuries from the disputes.
  • As per Statista, 30% of employees experience having a workplace that negatively affects their performance.
  • Nearly 10% of the workers in the United States state that disputes led to project failure.
  • Around 900,000 employees took leave, roughly 500,000 quit the job, whereas 300,000 were ignored.
  • Nearly 10 million employees in the UK have faced a workplace conflict, and 50% of them suffer from stress and depression.
  • Businesses in the UK face almost 28.5 billion GBP because of the disputes.
  • In 81% of the conflict cases, insurance does not cover legal expenses.
  • EEOC data states that United States businesses have an almost 12% risk of being sued by staff.
  • Resolving such lawsuits practically takes 275 days and costs an average of $125,000.
  • In addition, women are two times more likely to feel the symptoms like anxiety or insomnia.
  • Workplace conflict statistics suggest that women often find it difficult to deal with the aftermath of conflicts.
  • Roughly 25% of the employees observed that dodging disputes led to illnesses or missed workdays.
  • 27% of the surveyed have seen disagreements escalate into personal attacks.
  • About 38% of them contemplate leaving due to a negative organizational culture or a sense of ignorance.
  • As per CCP data, 89% of the workers allow workplace disputes to intensify.
  • Virtually 86% of job seekers steer clear of organizations with a bad employee review.
  • 38% of the employees examine leaving due to a negative company culture.
  • As per Randstad US survey states that 58% of American employees have left their jobs due to negative politics


It’s very clear from the workplace conflict statistics that workplace argument is a widespread issue. When workers struggle with stress, start avoiding social events and co-workers, and, as a result, feel underappreciated and miserable, companies lose money due to lower productivity. Almost 85% of the employees at all levels are experts in the US.

Managers spend almost 20% of their time managing such disputes, which leads to 40% of verbal abuse cases among full-time staff members. Organizations should be able to give workplace conflict management training to their teams as it has proven to be the major factor for high-quality outcomes from disputes.

