Coding Statistics

Coding Statistics By Opportunities, Fastest-Growing Coding Jobs and Facts


Coding Statistics: Electronic appliances like laptops, tablets, and smartphones need codes to function smoothly. Coding permits humans to communicate with these devices. Modern techniques like traffic lights, smart TVs, cars, and calculators use internal coding systems. Since computers don’t communicate like human beings, coding is like a translator. Codes convert human feed into numerical sequences that computers understand.

Once the computers get these coded messages, they are assigned tasks like changing font colours or centring an image. A developer or a programmer writes instructions that describe the information that is needed to create a visual or to do a task. In this article, we shall shed more light on coding statistics.

Editor’s Choice

  • Almost 60% of all websites use HTML5 for coding.
  • Virtually 36% of the coding developers work remotely once per month.
  • The Visual Studio Code is the essential development surrounding, with almost 50.7% of developers who use it.
  • Practically, 78% of the developers work on a team of 3-10 members.
  • About 97.5% of the mobile applications were developed by using coding languages like Objective-C, Swift, and Java.
  • Between 2018 and 2028, coding jobs are predicted to grow by 21%.
  • Almost 47% of software developers work between 40 and 44 hours every week.
  • Generally, 38% of the coding developers have their very first coding experience at 16 years.
  • About 65% of the developers use Agile methodology for maintaining software projects.
  • The minimum age of developers globally is 31 years old.
  • Just 22% of the coding developers learned to code in university courses.
  • There are almost 1.69 billion websites globally available, of which most of them need coding.
  • It’s predicted that almost 96% of the coding developers are self-taught.
  • Currently, almost 4500 programming languages have been developed since 1950.
  • Once a year, almost 20.5% of the developers help with open-source projects.
  • Over 86% of the software developers use Git as a version control system.
  • Nearly 58% of coding developers make use of Windows as a basic operating system.
  • Coding boot camp graduates have reported a minimum salary growth of 51% after completing a program.
  • In the United States, there are currently almost 80 coding boot camps.
  • Almost 80% of machine learning developers and data scientists use Python for coding.
  • Nearly 84% of the developers are subjected as males.
  • Globally, there are almost 22 million professional coding developers.
  • Nearly globally, 90% of the developed software is based on open-source code.
  • With a salary of $75,119 annually, North America has become the highest average salary payer for software developers.
  • Once a year, almost 75.1% of the developers learn new coding languages and techniques.
  • About 35% of the software officials have almost more than ten years of experience in the coding field.
  • Nearly 61% of the developers have undertaken online coding courses.
  • JavaScript is the most commonly used coding language, with 69.7% of developers using it.
  • 52% of the programmers have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, and almost all are in fields related to it.

Essential Coding Statistics

  • Almost 58% of computer sector jobs now require coding skills, and the demand for these skills is growing 50% faster than the overall job market.
  • JavaScript is the top coding language, used by 51.7% of programmers, compared to Python’s popularity, which is growing by 21%.
  • In 2021, software developers earned an average salary of $54,509 and were in high demand, totaling 26 million globally.
  • Practically, only 34% of employees feel their primary education prepared them for the coding job, and the rest, 74% of female employees, take a break in their career due to early exposure gaps.
  • In 2020, 310,000 software developers’ jobs were opened in the United States.
  • From 2015 to 2020, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning jobs experienced a 344% growth on Indeed.
  • In 2020, GitHub experienced 1.7 million new contributors.
  • Indicating the field’s lucrative potential, out of 25 highly paid programming languages, 16 are typed.
  • By 2028, the software professionals’ jobs are predicted to increase by 21%.
  • Globally, 47% of the programmers are self-learners or need a formal computer science degree.
  • Almost 58% of the job vacancies need coding skills in the digital industry.
  • In the past decade, the demand for coding skills has grown by 50% faster than the demand for other jobs.
  • As per the Developer study, Python was the fastest-growing coding language with almost a 21% growth rate.
  • In 2021, globally, there were around 26.9 million software developers.
  • Because they were not exposed to coding during their pre-coding years, almost 74% of females don’t consider a career in computer science.
  • As per coding statistics, almost 8 billion computers have Java installed globally.
  • Almost 70% of the top 10 million websites use PHP as a server-side programming language.
  • Almost 95% of the Internet is powered by open-source software.
  • On GitHub, there are almost 1.7 million first-time contributors to open-source projects.
  • Nearly 16 of the 25 high-paid programming languages are typed languages.

Data Coding

  • Normal Coding: Normal coding includes assigning labels or portions to data items.
  • Ordinal coding: Original coding includes assigning portions to data items in a special order.
  • Dichotomous coding: Dichotomous coding includes assigning a binary code.
  • Numeric code: The numeric code includes assigning the numeric values to data items.
  • Derived variables: This includes calculating new variables based on existing data.
  • Truncation: Truncation includes removing part of a data item.

Coding Bootcamp Statistics and Facts

  • By 2030, the coding bootcamp market is predicted to increase to $889.37M.
  • On average, it takes almost 20 weeks to complete a coding bootcamp.
  • The most common reason the students are admitted to coding boot camps is to increase their skills.
  • Notable organizations that offer coding boot camps include General Assembly, App Academy, Bloc, Hack Reactors, and Makers Academy.
  • The coding bootcamp costs vary widely, ranging from $1,000 to more than $23,000.
  • The median cost of tuition for coding bootcamps is $9,500.
  • According to the National Centre for Education Statistics, the average tuition for a four-year bachelor’s degree is almost $17,700 each year as of 2022-2023.
  • Apple, IBM, Bank of America, Penguin Random House, and Google are the major companies that hire coding Bootcamp graduates.
  • According to the coding statistics, most boot campers received promotions and salary increases after graduation, with the most common increase between $10,000 and $20,000 annually.
  • San Francisco, Austin, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Seattle, and San Jose are the cities in the United States having major tech hubs.
  • Nearly one-third of the coding Bootcamp graduates secure jobs within three months.
  • As per the survey, almost 39% of the boot camps have already worked in the technological industry.
  • Practically, 90% of the Coding Bootcamp passouts are satisfied with their programs.
  • According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022, the medium yearly salary of a computer programmer is $97,800; for a web developer, it is $80,730; and for a software developer, it is $124,200.
  • Dallas, Denver, Miami, and Salt Lake City are the cities in the United States that have upcoming Tech hubs.
  • As per the survey, 68.6% are male identifying respondents, 30.4% are females, and 1% identify as other.
  • As per 42% of the female respondents, their coding boot camps gave them frequent networking opportunities.
  • High salaries and skill enhancement are the common reasons women enroll in coding boot camps.
  • Computer Science and Business or Finance are the popular undergraduate majors for coding boot camps.
  • Practically, 47.6% of Bootcamp graduates state that they were very informed about coding and computer science before applying for admission.
  • As per coding statistics, 74.9% of Bootcamp graduates are considered to major in computer science before they attend a coding boot camp.
  • Almost 75% of the coding boot campers work full-time during boot camps.
  • A doctoral degree is the highest level of education that is attained before attending a coding boot camp.
  • After graduating, almost 70% of the coding boot campers between 27 and 42 years old feel they are well prepared for real-world job challenges.
  • Codeup was shut down in 2023. It had graduated almost 2,000 tech professionals, who added a collective value of $61 million in new salaries to local economies.

Statistical Coding and Classification

This is a comprehensive introduction to classification and statistical coding. Let’s summarize the key points:

Introduction to Classification:

  • Purpose: The primary goal of classification is to organize data into distinct categories based on shared properties.
  • Benefits:
  • Inference: Allows for making predictions about properties based on class membership.
  • Identifying Relationships: Reveals relationships among classes that may not have been initially apparent.
  • Uncovering Missing Information: Helps identify gaps in knowledge or missing data.
  • Focus on Group Properties: Facilitates analysis by focusing on properties shared by groups rather than individual items.

Statistical Coding:

  • Definition: Statistical coding involves assigning data to categories, often transforming qualitative data into quantitative or numerical data.
  • Purpose: Helps group responses and facilitate statistical analysis.
  • Example: Coding gender as “0” for males and “1” for females allows for statistical analysis.
  • Process: Translate qualitative responses into categories. Assign numerical values to these categories.
  • Importance of Codebook: It is crucial to maintain a codebook to record the translation of variables into codes, ensuring clarity and consistency in analysis.

Classification and statistical coding play essential roles in research and analysis, enabling researchers to organize, analyze, and draw insights from data effectively. By categorizing data and assigning numerical values, researchers can uncover patterns, infer properties, and facilitate statistical analysis, ultimately contributing to informed decision-making. This summary captures the essence of your provided text, emphasizing the significance and processes involved in classification and statistical coding.

Fastest-Growing Coding Jobs

  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the computer technology and information technology industry, which includes coding jobs, will grow at a faster rate than average from 2022 to 2023.
  • According to the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, information technology helps to develop efficiency and quality in all industries, and coding makes a worthy contribution to many services.
  • According to the Bureau, data scientists’ jobs have been encouraged to focus on coding skills, and they will grow gradually by 35% by 2023.
  • According to a BLS survey, many growing coding jobs earned a median of more than $80,000 annually in 2022.



  • A data scientist uses mathematical and statistical methods to transform raw information into meaningful data. The average salary of a data scientist is $103,500, and the basic education required for this post is a bachelor’s degree in computer science.
  • An Information security analyst helps protect the organization’s information and safeguards it from threats and fraud. The average salary earned by an information security analyst is $112,000, and the educational degree required is a Bachelor’s in computer science.
  • A software developer develops, designs, tests, and maintains software applications. The average annual salary is $124,000, and the educational degree needed is a bachelor’s in computer and information technology.
  • A computer and information research scientist oversees the development and research of innovations in computer science. The average income earned by a computer and information research scientist is $136,620, and the educational degree required for this post is a Master’s degree in computer science.
  • A Web developer builds and develops company websites and daily works with codes. The annual salary earned by a Web Developer is $80,730, and the educational degree varies from a high school diploma, associate degree, Bachelor’s degree, or even experience.
  • A computer and Information system manager manages computer-related systems and queries and is highly involved in coding. The average salary of a computer and information system manager is $164,070, and it requires a Bachelor’s degree in computer or information science.
  • A Computer system analyst designs improvements for the company’s computer systems. The average salary earned by a computer system analyst is $102,240, and it requires a Bachelor’s degree in information systems.
  • A database administrator manages and maintains the company’s database. The average salary is $112,120, and a bachelor’s degree in database management is required.
  • A computer support specialist helps employees with technical issues related to computer software, hardware networks, etc. The average salary earned by a computer support specialist is $59,660 annually, and need a high school diploma, associate degree, or experience.
  • A computer network architect builds and designs communication for companies. The average salary is $126,900, and a bachelor’s degree in computer-related fields is required.

Coders Rank 2020 Developer Statistics

  • In 2020, software developers were most productive in May, as they submitted 296,000,0000 deletions, 816,000,000 insertions, and 286,000 commits.
  • As per the survey, the software developers were very active in 2020, as they made a total of 376,000 commits in those days.
  • According to the survey, the most productive time of day is between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. in 2020.
  • The software developers stated about four times as much as open-source code as private code.
  • In 2020, vue.js gained first place with the maximum number of starts in the competition.


The coding statistics in this article show the growing demand for coding skills and software-related jobs. The information shows that programming languages like PHP, Java, Python, and JavaScript are some of the most famous and mostly used languages globally. In addition, it’s predicted that there will be a 25% growth in coding development jobs by 2028. Computer programming has become very popular in freelancing, with 8% of all freelancers being programmers.

This shows how important coding skills have become in various industries and sectors. Coding metrics also give invaluable insight into the productivity quality and maintenance of software projects.

