Remote Work Productivity Statistics

Remote Work Productivity Statistics and Facts 2024


Remote work productivity statistics: The work terrain has changed fiercely and immutably in only a few years. So has the insight and acceptance of remote work, as the advantages for workers and their companies alike have emerged. Having a choice of work environment and work location is presently a main factor for many job applicants when they search for a better balance between life and work and also gauge new career opportunities. The prototype of the traditional workspace has undertaken a quaky shift thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Correspondingly, remote work has been revealed as a dominant trend, requiring human resource departments to pivot faster than ever before. In this extensive analysis, we showcase the most current remote work productivity statistics that are shaping the white-collared world and working environments worldwide.

Editor’s Choice

  • Almost 50% of the remote employees state that they are more productive when they work from home.
  • 96% of the employees working remotely prefer flexible working hours.
  • Remote employees get almost 105% more work success if compared to the co-located workers.
  • Almost 74% of professionals say that remote work has a better impact on their productivity.
  • The remote employees saved almost 40 minutes daily on talking time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Roughly 68% of job-seeking candidates say that the option of working from home notably increases their interest in companies.
  • Full-time workers working from home save at least $4,000 annually on costs such as work clothing, food, and commuting.
  • Moreover, 47% of the remotely working workers state that they have high job satisfaction.
  • Employees working from home experience almost 29% more pride in their work-life balance.
  • Organizations that allow employees to work from home have 25% lower worker turnover than industries that don’t.
  • Workers working from home are 13% more productive than the employees working in the office.
  • Almost 76% of the employees are willing to work overtime when they work remotely.
  • Almost 30% of the managers believe that remote workers develop overall productivity.
  • The employees working remotely work almost 1.4 more days each month than the in-office workers.
  • Almost 82% of remote employees report low stress levels.

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Remote Work Statistics 2024

  • According to an Owl Labs State of Remote Work study, 56% of companies globally permit working remotely, whereas 16% of global industries are remote.
  • Almost 44% of the organizations globally do not allow working remotely.
  • Around 62% of the workers between 22 years and 65 years old say they work from home very frequently.
  • According to a study by Intuition, almost 50% of the workers worked remotely full-time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A study by Intuition found that almost 50% of the employees worked remotely full-time at the time of the pandemic.
  • In 2022, the number of workers working from home before the pandemic was 30% as compared to 48%.
  • The number of people who work remotely has increased by almost 15%, according to Global Workplace Analytics.
  • Almost 50% of government and corporate employees state that they will prefer to work remotely at least thrice a week once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
  • Nearly 62% of the workers prefer that their companies let them work from home after the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Almost 80% of the remote workers will consider quitting their present job position and joining one with a job that focuses on employee mental health.
  • Working from home is easier in cities that have high incomes.
  • Roughly 47% of remote employees think that a good tool exists to help them manage their work efficiently.
  • In 2020, almost 70% of people globally worked from home, and 92% preferred working from home at least once a week.
  • Generally, 82% of the remote managers are related to reducing productivity.
  • Nearly 1 out of 5 workers helped their companies with the costs of creating a remote workstation.

Remote Work Productivity Statistics

  • Of the workers who have worked from home at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, 26% stated that they would expect to work from home for five days a week, 56% would have wished to work with a hybrid model, and 19% would instead work totally in the office.
  • According to a 2-year Standard survey, workers working from the office feel more fertile working remotely.
  • According to Statista, more participants in a company’s managerial leader think that remote workers can be more productive working remotely.
  • As per WFH Research, 54% of workers ranked face-to-face alliance, 62% socialize with colleagues, and 43% have a distinct boundary between work and private life as the top benefits of working in a company’s premises.
  • The remote working facility decreases the employee attrition rate by 50%, as the employees work at small intervals, have fewer sick days, and take fewer days off.
  • According to Owl Labs, 80% of workers lose time in hybrid or online meetings due to technological problems.
  • As per PBS News Hour, 71% of employees working in a hybrid model in the United Kingdom experience less fatigue, and 48% are more pleased with their jobs.
  • According to Flexjobs, 87% of the employee’s commute affects their stress rate.
  • Compared to an in-office employee, a from-home team member generally works for almost 5.15 more hours every week in a detailed work state.
  • 58% of the Flexjobs study respondents state that remotely working people have each helped or developed their mental health.
  • In the United Kingdom, 60% of the employees who have turned to hybrid working said that managing work and homely chores was easy.
  • Almost 73% of the employees stated that they are happier with their lives than working from home.
  • According to Owl Labs, 63% of remote employees state that they are more likely to turn to their co-workers who work on the face than remotely.

Remote Jobs and Sectors

Remote work has become a prevalent practice across various sectors, driven by factors such as flexibility, technological advancements, and changing employee preferences. Here’s a breakdown of some key statistics and insights regarding remote work across different industries:

  • Factors Influencing Job Search: Location flexibility and flexible hours are significant factors influencing workers’ search for new job opportunities, with 33% and 34%, respectively, citing these as important considerations.
  • Adjusting to Remote Roles: For employees recruited for whole remote roles during the COVID-19 pandemic, modifying their current positions has been similar to adjusting to office-based jobs, according to 42% of respondents.
  • Remote Work in the Tech Sector: The tech sector has the highest percentage of remote workers globally, with 67.8% of technical workers working totally or part remotely.
  • Remote Work Adoption by Businesses: Globally, 16% of companies allow full-time remote work, while 44% don’t grant remote work at all, indicating a varied adoption rate among different organizations.
  • Impact on IT Department Performance: Working remotely has generally improved the performance of IT departments, with 74% of IT professionals worldwide stating positive effects and only 2% reporting negative impacts.
  • Reasons for In-Office Work: Traditional job requirements are cited as the primary reason why 69% of respondents’ employers require them to work in the office.
  • Limitations on Remote Work: Approximately 20% of workers have jobs that don’t allow them to work remotely, often because the nature of their roles requires them to be in specific physical locations.
  • Job Flexibility and Retention: A significant portion of hybrid and remote workers (42%) would consider looking for another job with more flexibility if remote or hybrid work options were no longer available, indicating its importance for job satisfaction and retention.
  • Preference for Remote Work: While workers currently plan an average of 1.1 work-from-home days every week, they will expect to work remotely on a median of 2.0 days each week, suggesting a desire for increased remote work opportunities.
  • Concerns about Remote Work: Despite the benefits, 60% of workers worry about missing out on chances and having less effect at work if they work from home, highlighting some of the challenges associated with remote work.
  • Impact on Real Estate Expenses: A quarter of worldwide organizations need remote work will lessen their real estate expenses, indicating potential cost savings associated with remote work arrangements.
  • Effect on Wage Growth: The shift to remote work has moderated wage growth by two percentage points over two years, reducing the real salary catch-up effect on short-term inflation pressures.
  • Common Remote Work Sectors: The companies and consulting sections, as well as the finance and insurance sections, are the most worked remotely, with over 48% of employees in these sectors mainly working remotely.
  • Employee Devotion and Remote Work: A significant majority (81%) of workers will be more loyal to their work if their organizations provide remote work adjustments, underscoring the value of remote work for employee engagement.
  • Growth of Remote Jobs: Software development is identified as one of the most common remote jobs worldwide, with a projected growth rate of 24% by 2026, indicating continued opportunities in remote work-friendly roles.
  • Job Changes and Remote Work: In 2023, 23% of employees switched organizations, with full-time office workers more likely to do so than hybrid or remote workers. This suggests that remote work arrangements contribute to employee retention.

These statistics highlight the widespread adoption and impact of remote work across various industries, emphasizing its importance for both employers and employees in the modern workforce.

Statistics showing an overall impact of remote work

  • A massive 86% and 85% of workers think that the ability to work remotely will contribute to their happiness and a good work-life balance.
  • In 2023, almost 90% of the participants say that they are more productive in their work model.
  • Only 7% of workers state that the current work model reduces their productivity, whereas 3% are not sure.
  • Almost 80% of the male respondents stated that their company has made a compulsion to go back to the office to increase productivity, while just 47% of the women stated the same.
  • According to Owl Labs, GenZ employees feel that they are most productive in a remote environment.
  • Boomers believe that working remotely work notably moistens their productivity and makes team management more stressful.
  • According to data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics 2023, males were more likely to return to office work than females.
  • In 2023, the number of men working from home dropped significantly, from 35% to 28%.
  • The females working from home dropped notably from 41.5% to 41%.
  • As per ILP’s Working from Home report, females account for almost 56% of all remote workers.
  • According to the Women in the Workplace 2023 reports, 9 out of 10 females prefer working from home.
  • Females do 58% of the unpaid work, compared to men, 42%.
  • For remote workers, females working from home take almost 72% of the unpaid labor, whereas males who work remotely take just 28%.
  • Roughly 40% of the females said they are more productive in a remote work environment, whereas 35% of males feel the same way.
  • As per the Deloitte survey 2023, almost 22,000 participants from 44 nations, 77% of Gen Zs and 75% of Millennials, will find searching for a new job if their company does provide remote working facility.
  • Nearly 49% of Gen Z and almost 46% of Millennials currently have the option of working from home at least once a week.
  • As per Microsoft’s report, 52% of GenZ and Millennials prefer to consider switching companies in 2022.
  • In 2023, almost 35% of Gen X and Boomers stated they were considering a job change.
  • 90% of Gen Z and Millennials are predicted to give a good answer to the question of whether they are looking for a new job in 2024.
  • In 2022, Deloitte reported that almost 40% of Gen Z and 24% of Millennials would prefer to resign from their jobs in 2 years.
  • In 2023, nearly 23% of Gen Z and 13% of Millennials plan to switch to a new company.
  • As per remote work productivity statistics, the maximum number of people having side businesses is presently 74% of millennials.

Work from home Tool Use Statistics.

  • As per Microsoft and ZDNet, Microsoft Teams was regularly used by over 100 million employees in 2020.
  • Microsoft’s Zoom contestant has grown from 13 million each month to 115 million daily in 2020.
  • According to remote work productivity statistics, almost 145 million users used Microsoft Teams every day in April 2020.
  • In January 2022, Teams users had reached almost 270 million users each month.
  • According to Enlyft, Microsoft Office 365 worldwide productivity software market shares were almost above 30%.
  • The Microsoft Office 365 has almost 31.8% of the market share.
  • As per Dantanyze, the United Suite market is shared by Microsoft and Google.
  • In the United States, Google’s G Suite has almost 59.41% office suite market share.
  • Although it costs almost 1.5 times less than G Suite, Office 365 has almost 40.39% of the office suite market in the United States.
  • According to Apps Run the World, the combination software will create almost $17 billion by 2026.
  • The combined software market has increased year by year until 2025 and is predicted to continue growing.
  • As per remote work productivity statistics, the combined software market created an estimated $16 billion in 2020.
  • It is estimated that the combined software market will generate nearly $17.9 billion in total revenue in 2025.
  • According to Gartner, in 2023, the cloud-based conferencing end-user expending was predicted to reach $5 billion.
  • According to remote work productivity statistics, global end-user spending on cloud-based consulting solutions was $2.7 billion.
  • In 2020, the number was $3.3 billion, and in the following year, it increased further to $4.1 billion.
  • The global end user’s spending on cloud-based consulting solutions was predicted to reach $4.8 billion in 2023.


According to some studies, remote working is going to be mandated in almost all companies. The maximum employees see more advantages in it and are almost ready to leave their existing jobs if they are not given a chance to work remotely or be on a hybrid model. There will always be a set of people who will prefer to work in an office or those who personally can’t work from home in connection with their job sector.

However, with innovative technologies getting more advanced and more products being developed for work-from-home teams, it is almost very famous all across the world and gives an advantage to both the teams and the employers. The article has shed more light on remote work productivity statistics.