Remote Work Mental Health Statistics

Remote Work Mental Health Statistics By Share of People Feeling Burnout and Stress Levels


Remote Work Mental Health Statistics: Remote work, work from home, and hybrid work are all the trending factors since the pandemic that happened 4 hours ago. For some people remote work is just awesome on the other hand, some agree with the opposite. Considering the mental health issues in terms of remote work can severely impact the individual. Remote work also comes with household and family responsibilities, which are not unavoidable.

On top of that, remote workers also have to stick up to the deadlines of managers. Staying in one place and working without breaks even if employees are remotely working can affect negatively the mind and body. Thus, let’s understand the recent Remote Work Mental Health Statistics to improve our lifestyle.

Editor’s Choice

  • As per 76% of remote workers, the workplace is one of the leading causes of negative impact on their mental health.
  • Remote Work Mental Health Statistics found that 76% of employees experience negative effects on mental health.
  • Shiting from a full-time office to a full-time remote is likely to increase the sense of loneliness by 67%.
  • RSM International and the US Chamber of Commerce 2023 report studied that isolation is the leading cause of stress for executives.
  • According to FlexJobs’ 2023 Work Insights Survey, 96% of employees who are either hybrid or remote work, said such a work structure is best for their mental health.
  • According to the State of Remote Work Report 2023 by Buffer, mental health issues experienced by remote employees were loneliness (15%), difficulty focusing (9%), staying motivated (11%), and not being able to unplug (11%).
  • 44% of remote employees are working more compared to last year resulting in 1 out of 5 workers feeling burnout.
  • According to a report by Kona 2023, 32% of employees who are working remotely, felt their team seldomly or never talked about their mental health.
  • According to FlexJobs’ 2023 Work Insights Survey, the majority of the employees who reported positive mental or health effects of remote work stated they felt less burned out contributing 36%.
  • 49% of remote employees stated that their employers do not provide any support for managing work-related stress.

General Remote Work Statistics

By Reasons to Adopt Remote or Fully Remote Work in 2023 Globally



  • Remote Work 2023 statistics showed that a widened talent pool (41%), differentiating benefits for attracting and retaining talent (29%), and increased productivity were the top reasons for remote work structure adoptions (9%). On the other hand, environmental benefits, 24/7 availability of workers, and lower salaries were the least leading choices for adoption.

By Best States for Remote Work in The USA



  • As of 2023, Delaware became the best state in the USA for remote work with a 66.15 score. Utah and Maryland tailed the ranking with 64.45 and 63.96. Overall, every state in the USA generated more than 50 scores for becoming the best state for remote work in 2023 in the USA.

Top 10 Countries for Remote Working


  • In the Q1 of 2023, the Global Remote Work Index voted Denmark as the leading country for remote work. Further, it was followed by the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Sweden. Portugal, Estonia, Lithuania, Ireland, and Slovakia were also ranked respectively.

By Most Used Digital Communication Tools



  • According to a report by Forbes Advisor 2023, considering every working structure such as on-site, remote, and hybrid, mobile phones, zoom, and Microsoft Teams were the leading communication tools used in 2023. However, for remote work, the most preferred digital communication tools were Zoom (45%), Google Chat (43%), Microsoft Teams, and mobile phones (42%)

By Work-From-Home Preference by Age Group



  • As of 2023, in the USA, the majority of individuals who preferred to work from home belonged to 26 to 41 years of age group contributing 41%. With a slight difference, 40% of employees preferred the same in the 42 to 57 age group.

General Remote Work Mental Health Statistics

  • Shiting from a full-time office to a full-time remote is likely to increase the sense of loneliness by 67%.
  • 49% of employees working remotely say that handling remote work and personal responsibilities is difficult.
  • Furthermore, a similar share of employees stated that their employers do not provide any support for managing work-related stress.
  • Remote Work Mental Health Statistics found that 76% of employees experience negative effects on mental health.
  • 63% of employees say while working remotely they are discouraged from taking time off work.
  • As per 76% of remote workers, the workplace is one of the leading causes of negative impact on their mental health.
  • 67% of employees experienced being pressured to be always available for work.
  • 69% of remote workers have experienced at least one symptom of burnout.
  • According to a survey by WebMD Health Services + Limeade, 30% of people who have never worked remotely before are likely to experience a higher level of burnout.
  • According to Remote Work Mental Health Statistics, employees who feel burnout are 2.6 times more likely to actively seek out new jobs.
  • 44% of remote employees are working more compared to last year resulting in 1 out of 5 workers feeling burnout.
  • In 2023, 73% of remote workers felt burnout, the majority of whom were working in the top tech companies.
  • As per a report by Kona 2023, 32% of employees who are working remotely, felt their team seldomly or never talked about their mental health.
  • The most burned-out remote employees are working in Marketing or HR departments.
  • 65% of remote employees with burnout experience are women most of the time.
  • According to FlexJobs’ 2023 Work Insights Survey, 96% of employees who are either hybrid or remote work, said such a work structure is best for their mental health.
  • Millennials and Gen Z remote workers say that remote work is positively impacting their mental health.
  • Referring to a report by Microsoft, 56% of women and 55% of parents are more likely to give importance to well-being and mental health during remote work.
  • RSM International and the US Chamber of Commerce 2023 report studied that isolation is the leading cause of stress for executives.
  • 60% of job seekers are more likely to look out and accept remote work to support their mental health.
  • 60% of remote employees need help managing work-life balance.
  • 84% of remote workers feel burned out at their current job.
  • Furthermore, digital communication tools were one of the leading reasons for increase the in employee burnout.
  • 38% of remote workers feel increased burnout because of pressure by managers to work more hours.
  • As per a report by McKinsey and Company of Five Fifty, employees are 2.9 times more likely to increase anxiety due to moderate to high levels of burnout due to remote work.
  • In 2023, 45% of remote workers experienced increased stress levels as compared to 2022.

By Share of People Feeling Burnout



  • According to Remote Work Burnout Statistics 2023, there is a large share of employees working remotely with burnout issues as compared to hybrid and on-site employees. Each of these represents 86%, 81%, and 70% respectively.

By Stress Levels



  • According to Remote Work Mental Health Statistics, there is a high chance of having a high level of stress for being mostly remote as stated by  41% of employees. Furthermore, 30% of fully remote employees said they feel always or most of the time stressed, compared to 33% of hybrid and 25% of fully in-person employees.

By Biggest Struggles



  • According to the State of Remote Work Report 2023 by Buffer, mental health issues experienced by remote employees were loneliness (15%), difficulty focusing (9%), staying motivated (11%), and not being able to unplug (11%).

By Health Benefits

  • Less burnout (36%)
  • Healthier food choices (35%)
  • Reduced anxiety and depression (34%)
  • Improved overall mental health (33%)
  • Improved sleep (32%)
  • Increased exercise (30%)
  • Improved overall physical health (28%)
  • Improved personal relationships (23%)


  • According to FlexJobs’ 2023 Work Insights Survey, the majority of the employees who reported positive mental or health effects of remote work stated they felt less burned out contributing 36%. 35% of employees were able to improve healthier food consumption, while 34% reduced depression and anxiety.
  • Other factors that positively affected the remote workers were improved overall mental health (33%), improved sleep (32%), increased exercise (30%), improved overall physical health (28%), and improved personal relationships (23%).

How to Prevent The Negative Mental Effects of Remote Work?

  • Set timelines to complete your work.
  • Take frequent breaks and walk around the house to loosen up your body.
  • If you have a pet or children, play with them in between your work to keep your mind fresh.
  • Follow a routine to improve your mental and physical health.
  • Physical and mental health are connected thus, if either of these are disturbed then it will affect productivity at work.
  • Set your boundaries and ask work colleagues to avoid contacting you after a specific time.
  • Keep your body hydrated and follow a healthy diet.
  • Exercise in between work hours.
  • Keep your mind positive at all times, remember, you can be replaced by the company easily but your family can’t replace you.
  • Perform physical activities during weekends
  • Remote workers should change their work locations to improve efficiency and productivity.

How can Remote Work Affect Mental and Physical Health?

  • Reduction in work-life balance
  • Increase anxiety and depression
  • Frequent unhealthy food consumption leads to obesity.
  • Increased burnout and fatigue
  • Imbalanced sugar and blood pressure levels
  • Disturbed sleep cycles
  • Increased time spent on electronic devices
  • Major eye-related issues
  • Increased headaches

Benefits and Challenges for Employee Mental Health

Remote work is becoming increasingly popular among employees, with nearly 30% of all work in the United States now being done remotely. Surveys indicate that Americans generally prefer remote work over office work, citing benefits such as improved work-life balance, increased happiness, and greater flexibility.

According to Remote Work Mental Health Statistics, remote workers reported higher levels of happiness compared to those working in traditional office settings, with an average happiness rating of 7 out of 10. Additionally, a significant majority of employees (79%) believe that remote work has improved their work-life balance, leading to greater overall satisfaction.

The absence of a daily commute is often cited as one of the biggest advantages of remote work. Commuting can be stressful and time-consuming, with longer commutes being associated with decreased happiness. Remote work allows employees to reclaim this time, resulting in a more efficient use of time and reduced stress levels.

Furthermore, remote work can benefit marginalized groups such as transgender individuals and people of color by providing them with a safer and more inclusive work environment. However, it’s important to note that remote work is not without its challenges.

Zoom fatigue, for example, became a significant issue during the pandemic as remote workers faced increased feelings of anxiety, social isolation, and emotional exhaustion due to excessive video conferencing. Additionally, remote workers may struggle to maintain a work-life balance, especially if they lack a dedicated home office or live in crowded environments.

While remote work may be well-suited for younger generations, older workers who are accustomed to traditional office settings may find it less appealing. Personal interactions and nonverbal cues that are essential for effective communication may be lost in a remote work environment, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection.

Addressing these challenges requires proactive measures from employers, such as providing ergonomic home office setups, scheduling regular breaks, and offering mental health support services. Companies like Microsoft and Cisco have implemented strategies to support their remote workforce, including providing financial assistance for home office equipment and conducting regular check-ins to assess employee well-being.

Despite its benefits, remote work is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its impact on employee mental health varies depending on individual preferences and circumstances. Research indicates that loneliness can be a significant issue for remote workers, particularly those who live alone or crave social interaction.

In conclusion, remote work offers many advantages for employees, including improved work-life balance and increased happiness. However, it also presents challenges such as Zoom fatigue and feelings of loneliness. By implementing supportive policies and resources, employers can help mitigate these challenges and create a more positive remote work experience for their employees.


Not only in-person full-time office but full-time employment is similarly responsible for negative effects on the human body. People with introverted personalities may like working behind the curtains. However, work with no breaks, long work hours, and continuous sitting posture can affect the mind and body health. Since the last 4 years, there has been an increased trend in remote work, thus it is important to follow a work-life balance.

As stated in the Remote Work Mental Health Statistics, more than 50% of remote workers are experiencing at least one symptom of a mental health issue. Continuous burnout issues are pillars of dangerous mental and health problems. Therefore, following a strict work-life balance is the only solution.

